Feb 11-17, 2019

A HUGE congratulations to Aidan, Ella, Kieran, Liam, Makena, Nick and Zach for your results at Western Canadian Championships in Kelowna this past weekend!! Heartbreaking for me to not be there with you- but WOW- alumni and current teammates raced SO well. I'm VERY proud of you all!!

Shout out to Coach Shannon and Jake for your work on waxing, herding and cheering ++ during the races and to Mamas Liz and Shelly for food prep and keeping athletes happy, warm and fed!! Thank you!!

This blog has a lot of important details regarding the races in Drayton Valley. Please follow the details closely.

Registration: Zone4-please register your athlete(s) in their appropriate category:
  • 2011- younger Atom
  • 2010-2009 Peewee
  • 2008-2007 Mini-Midget
  • 2006-2005 Midget
  • 2004-2003 Juvenile
  • 2002-2001 Junior
Registration closes: Wednesday Feb 13 11:59pm. 

For actual race notice in Drayton Valley click here

The team will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express and there are still rooms available for those who still need to book- please mention that you're with Wapiti Nordic Race Team to get the discounted price. Cancellation is 6pm of date of check-in. We typically have a team meal on the Saturday evening of race events for the athletes to have time together and to share a meal and down time (time and place yet to be booked). Also, because we're staying at the same hotel, a games night should ensue- although I'm usually at the coaches meeting from 7-8 so if someone can run this that would be great! 

Other Details:

Communication at events is done via Teamsnap. I believe that cell service is touch and go out at the race site... look for the team tent and one of us will be in there. 

Drayton Valley DOES NOT have a warming hut. There is a shell of a brand new building but this will serve as the race office. There is a very small cabin that is available for athlete use but not all athletes will be able to fit inside... the weather forecast is for a high of -17 all weekend which means athletes will be cold and so will parents/spectators/volunteers. Please bring warm clothes ++ and be prepared!

*Please print off the race plan template (x2) for the races. This can be found on Teamsnap under files.

Friday: is training day in Drayton Valley- the team is to meet at the ski facility for 1:30pm, we will be on snow for 2:00pm skate skiing please. 

Saturday: Skate Races- Due to the cold, please show up 1hr prior to your race, wearing your gear and ready to get onto your skis for your race warmup. I really don't want you guys standing around getting cold. Team supper around 5:30 (details TBD)

Sunday: Classic Races- There are 2 events this day and both are classic. Please show up 1.5 hours prior to your start. 
Please read:
  1. For those of us who registered for the Birkie (and those who didn't), there is thought that we will run our own Birkie event here in GP. Details to come, but we may be running the event on Feb 24th- so keep that day open if you can, even if you were not planning on doing the Birkie but are able to now, I strongly suggest this. I'm guessing a 9 or 10am start. Distances will be the same: 55km; 31km and 13km. 
  2. Ft. St. John is hosting a relay event on March 9th that I would like to support. It would be a day trip for the team and we would most likely prep our skis the Thursday evening before. They are wanting teams of 4 athletes (2 jackrabbits & 2 racers; 2 classic and 2 skate) for the event. This looks like a lot of fun and I'd like to support the new club that they're trying to grow. I'd like feedback on this please by emailing me as to what your thoughts are. As our season of racing is extremely short this year, I thought this was a great, friendly way to elongate it! I propose a lot of carpooling and trying to get most of the team to attend if possible. 
Tuesday:  We will be classic skiing. Dress warmly with 2 buffs/athlete and water bottles ready and on. We will be doing a longer ski with some race prep in between... yes, it's cold out but we're not going to be ready to race if we don't move a bit. 

Thursday: Skating- show up for practice and coaches will know what to do. Team Supper still a go!

TEAM SUPPER: Everyone is welcome to stay and eat (please don't forget your food if it's your turn). I'm hoping to be eating at 7:30. I will need assistance with packing up please. There will be a packing list for all the items that need to be packed into vehicles. I can take a bench, bag of test skis and waxbox in my vehicle. 

Saturday: Those of you who are NOT racing, please help out with Jackrabbits- just show up and offer your services to any of the leaders there. Your energy and technique expertise is very helpful to the leaders. Jackrabbits is cancelled at -20oC. 
