January 23- February 5, 2023
This is a two week blog- sort of! Thank you everyone for an amazing weekend of racing! A HUGE thank you to the parents for cheering, volunteering and helping out with herding and warming up, waxing and keeping me fed! :) I greatly appreciate all of your support so that we can have successful weekends like this one!
We’ve officially completed our final prep for Arctics and have a FULL taper week. This means, eat, sleep and rest and ski a little bit. I sure hope that you’re all exhausted!! Leading into our week of rest there is still practice! 😛 It’s important to keep moving, but focus is on rest and a true zone 1 ski.
Tuesday: We should be able to classic on our race skis- but I recommend that you get them cleaned off after practice. We will be ending practice for those attending AWG at 6:30 for you to have time to clean off your skis. As a reminder- please just keep your fibrelene that’s on your skis and put it back on after practice. Take an iron at 130oF and run it over the fibrelene until it’s soaked through and then take a paint scraper and scrape it off. You will then need minimal wax remover to take the rest off of your bases!
Thursday: We will be skate skiing and also packing. We will also be doing a 45 min skate ski session focusing on skiing big and keeping our heart rates down. Rex Blue all skis and we will be packing it all up. We're leaving our benches in GP but taking the rest of our gear. Ptarmigans have kindly left us two benches in our wax trailer for us.
As all coaches will be away Jan 28-Feb 4, there will be NO official practice.
I encourage you to come out and ski with your friends and parents and to help out with Jackrabbits on Saturday 10-12. if you show up, Daniel can help guide you into helping out with a young group of skiers.
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