November 18 - November 24, 2013
We have snow!! Again… Let's hope it stays this time!! Great practice on Saturday, I hope you all learned a thing or two that you can work on for the next while.
Waxing Lessons: Will occur before practice and into the first 30 minutes of practice for those who would like a bit of extra time. I would like everyone to have a refresher please- yes, even the oldest on the team… it's good to just have reminders- I do it every year myself.
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday before practice I will be at the lodge from 5 onwards.
*Please register your athlete and read the race notice: Registration is found through the race notice (all the race information that you will need) which takes you directly to zone4. If you have any questions, please just ask. Registration deadline is Wednesday, Nov 27 @ 11:00pm. Please register early.
Tuesday: Classic (hopefully if we don't get too much more snow) DRESS WARMLY. They're calling for -22 during the day… it'll be chilly but we'll still be practicing. Bring water at make sure it's warm before we leave. We will be just skiing as it's going to be too cold to practice technique.
Thursday: Classic- technique + training and drills. Waxing before hand as previously discussed.
Saturday: Classic- Practice will be from 10-12. I will be at the lodge early (8:30) to review waxing for those of you who still need/want more time. Please have your classic skis ready before 10am. The team will be split into 2 groups (see below) Group 1 will be on snow from 10-11 and Group 2 will be on snow from 11-12. During this time that your group is not on snow- you will be waxing your skis or assisting others in the process. Group 2 will wax their skate skis first. Rex Blue, and then once cooled completely, you will wax your skis with LF4- DO NOT SCRAPE OFF THE LF4. Group 1 will then come in and clean off their classic skis and wax them- Rex Blue, and then once cooled off completely, you will wax your skis with LF4- DO NOT SCRAPE OFF THE LF4. After practice, Group 2 will be strongly recommended to clean off their classic skis- this takes a max of 10 minutes and will just alleviate any issues on Tuesday. If you have time to prepare your skate skis after practice you are encouraged to do so.
Waxing Lessons: Will occur before practice and into the first 30 minutes of practice for those who would like a bit of extra time. I would like everyone to have a refresher please- yes, even the oldest on the team… it's good to just have reminders- I do it every year myself.
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday before practice I will be at the lodge from 5 onwards.
*Please register your athlete and read the race notice: Registration is found through the race notice (all the race information that you will need) which takes you directly to zone4. If you have any questions, please just ask. Registration deadline is Wednesday, Nov 27 @ 11:00pm. Please register early.
Tuesday: Classic (hopefully if we don't get too much more snow) DRESS WARMLY. They're calling for -22 during the day… it'll be chilly but we'll still be practicing. Bring water at make sure it's warm before we leave. We will be just skiing as it's going to be too cold to practice technique.
Thursday: Classic- technique + training and drills. Waxing before hand as previously discussed.
Saturday: Classic- Practice will be from 10-12. I will be at the lodge early (8:30) to review waxing for those of you who still need/want more time. Please have your classic skis ready before 10am. The team will be split into 2 groups (see below) Group 1 will be on snow from 10-11 and Group 2 will be on snow from 11-12. During this time that your group is not on snow- you will be waxing your skis or assisting others in the process. Group 2 will wax their skate skis first. Rex Blue, and then once cooled completely, you will wax your skis with LF4- DO NOT SCRAPE OFF THE LF4. Group 1 will then come in and clean off their classic skis and wax them- Rex Blue, and then once cooled off completely, you will wax your skis with LF4- DO NOT SCRAPE OFF THE LF4. After practice, Group 2 will be strongly recommended to clean off their classic skis- this takes a max of 10 minutes and will just alleviate any issues on Tuesday. If you have time to prepare your skate skis after practice you are encouraged to do so.
Sunday: 6 Pac Race #1. Registration closes at 1:30pm; $5 registration fee. Skate technique for this race and it'll be fun! Come everyone, even Mika will be out! See you there. Also, don't forget that it's the open house for the ski club from 1-4pm. If you haven't gotten your membership yet, please do so at the open house, register younger siblings for jackrabbits, purchase equipment/gear from local businesses with open house discounts AND plan to spend some time answering questions on how cool it is to be on the race team and representing Grande Prairie locally, provincially, nationally and internationally! Yup- the media usually shows up and asks questions!!!
Group 1:
Makena, Lyndon, Hannah, Mathieu, Alex, Grace, Zach, Megan & Nick
Group 2:
Miranda, Katie, Nicole, John, Josh, Emilie, Patrick,
Isabelle & Jordan.
*If you will not be joining us in Canmore, please be prepared to be on snow for the entire duration of practice
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