November 25- December 1, 2013.

A huge shout out and a cowbell ring to all the racers today!! Loved seeing all the uniforms out and other coloured bodies for the race today! Congratulations to you racers and a HUGE thank you to your parents for putting it on and being superstar timers with their iPhones verses our dead-battery equipment. :)
Candy Cane Lane Reminder: Candy canes are to be consumed by the Race Team once a week, after training sessions on Saturday only… Santa can only train so much with his reindeer and there are some little cute kids who require that motivation and some parents (yes, I'm one of them) who require that motivation for their kids to ski… so please do not be alarmed if I (or any of the parents/coaches) start handing out 40 burpies for ANY extra candy canes that are consumed or touched any other time. Also, please DO NOT relocate them/hide them, it makes it very difficult for the little cute kids to find these- unless of course you really enjoy burpies.

Group 1:
Makena, Lyndon, Hannah, Mathieu, Alex, Grace, Zach, Megan & Nick

Group 2:
Miranda, Katie, Nicole, John, Josh, Emilie, Patrick, Isabelle & Jordan.

*If you will not be joining us in Canmore, please be prepared to be on snow for the entire duration of practice- Tuesday meal is open to you to join, but please understand that we will be discussing Canmore necessities and not interested in idle chat during this time. 

Tuesday: Group 1: Will be out on snow from 5:45-6:10- skate skiing. Group 2 will be in the wax room during this time cleaning up your classic skis and waxing them. Rex blue, then once cooled off completely, putting on LF4 and NOT scraping it off. By 6:15, I'd like Group 2 out on snow with rock skis for their skate lesson and Group 1 will be inside prepping your skate skis. At 7:15pm supper will be served upstairs (Thank you Brough's and Pruden's) and we will meet to discuss Canmore, expectations and plans regarding this awesome and exciting event. :D

I will be leaving GP on Thursday at 4:00pm.

Not going to Canmore?  Thursday- I strongly encourage you to go skiing. Go for a good, 1 hour skate ski with no stopping and enjoy the almost full moon. :) Remember the things I've suggested you work on for technique and have fun. Saturday, try and meet up with others that aren't going (there's 9 of you) to Canmore and go for a 2 hour classic ski. No stopping, but bring water and snacks, and maybe a map so that you don't get lost out on the trails!:)
