November 11-Nov 17, 2013.

Build Week 2 and we have snow!!!

Practice times will change- on snow and ready to go for 5:45-7pm. If you're ready before 5:45- ski around candy cane lane until everyone is out and ready.

Tuesday- OUT AT THE LODGE!!! Skate skiing, rock skis still. We will be working on technique for the majority of this practice to get our skiing legs back on.

Thursday- skate skiing, rock skis- unless we get more snow and the groomers are able to get out and groom more, then we will be classic skiing. Best to come prepared for both techniques.

Saturday- We will not be going to Hinton as we have our own snow now!! You will be required to sign up for a time slot with me. I will have a sign up sheet at practice on Tuesday and Thursday and you will sign up for your time slot- 4 max per time slot of 45 minutes. I will be on snow from 8:30-1:30. When your time is done, I will ask that you go for a 45 minute, no-stopping ski on the trails that will be groomed by then (to be determined which ones). We may be able to classic ski and skate ski that day. Please come prepared for both and pending on the snow, we will do whichever technique is best suited for the day. Come with 30-45 minutes before your time, to prepare yourself and your skis appropriately. IF your time slot is later on the sheet and you don't have time to ski afterwards, come with time to go for your 45 minute- no stopping- ski before hand. Any questions- ask me at practice on Tuesday. Please make sure your parents are aware of the changes for this practice only.
