Week of Nov 22-28
10 Days til Canmore!!
To Do by Sunday, Nov 28th:
To Do by Sunday, Nov 28th:
- get your race licence
- register for Canmore races- zone 4- website link is at bottom of this page
- PLEASE REGISTER ALL KIDS UNDER WNSC (even if they aren't on the race team)
- get your waivers signed to me no later than Tuesday Nov 30; if you don't then you don't go- plain and simple
- read the race notice: http://www.canmorenordic.com/dbfiles/119.pdf (if this link doesn't work read Cori's email)
- make sure you have a ride to Canmore and a room to stay in- (see Cori's emails)
Option D is the Race Team Choice: This means that we will be on snow at 5:45pm. We will ski for 1-1.5 hours pending on the evening and the training plan. I will let you know weekly. On our build weeks we will venture into the 1.5 hour sessions, on rest weeks we will focus on the 1 hour sessions. On Saturdays it will be 1.5 hour training sessions.
Weather: ABOVE -29oC on Environment Canada Website at 4:30pm (excluding wind chill factor as it's not windy on the trails) we will be skiing. If it's BELOW -29oC on this website we will be still training, just indoors. I will work on a few options for practice on those days but we will still be meeting out at the lodge on cold days. I hope that this is clear- any questions please comment below.
We will be out skiing CLASSIC, it's a high of -22 tomorrow with it getting colder as the evening begins. Dress warmly, but we need to ski! We will be out for 45 minutes. It's going to be cold- so dress up for it. I will need parent assistance for this ski please as we will be breaking into two groups. We will go for a SLOW ski due to the cold. The last 30 minutes will be getting of snow and upstairs asap so that we can do some indoor training. You can clean up your stuff after 7pm.
Snow pending, I would like to get out and go skate skiing- however if the conditions don't change we may need to classic again. The weather is going to be much warmer- be prepared for both techniques this day. We will ski for an hour and 15 minutes. Off snow at 7:00pm.
You will be skiing as well- but this day depends greatly on how Tuesday/Thursday go. Come to practice ready for either technique and Ken will be ready to make you guys work hard. :)
Extra Days: If you have a 4th day plan please continue for this week with it. It will change for next week. Only a few more days of training left and we're off to the races!!!:) Super excited.
doing the wall sits -emilie