Week of Nov 29-Dec 5


Thank you everyone for registering early! It's awesome and there are over 200 athletes registered. AB Cup 1 & 2 are going to be amazing!!

Be prepared to stay late.

On snow at 5:45. I suggest coming early so that you can leave earlier... Between 5-5:45 you should hot wax your classic skis (and if you are super speedy your skate skis) with rex blue and put them in the team ski bag that will be upstairs. You will also need to put your poles in the team classic ski pole bag too.

5:45-6:30 we will be practicing starts and corners. Bring a headlamp.

6:30-7:00 we have a lot to talk about. This will be a sit down session- bring paper and pen and your goals for the weekend written down.

After 7:00 you will be eating and waxing your skate skis. Mika and I will be hanging around for this part too so if you have any waxing questions Mika can help. :)

*Parents, I recognize that you will be wanting to leave early so that kids get home to catch up on homework, pack, get to bed early etc. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this evening for preparation for the races. I have found over the years that the more prepared and focused kids are on packing day, the more relaxed and confident they are for the races. Mental preparation is really important for the athletes. So please be prepared to stay at the ski club for as long as it takes your athlete to figure out what needs to be done and what they need to pack. This is their opportunity to step up and be a confident ski racer. I anticipate that we won't be done until 8-8:30. Please come prepared to either pick your child up late or to hang around the lodge and ignore your teenager (s). Thank you.

Travel to Leduc

Plan for an early departure (ie: 7am) from hotel in Leduc to Canmore with maximum 1 stop in between.

We will be skiing with Beckie in the afternoon and I would like to make sure that we arrive at the trails with lots of time to hang out, ski with Beckie, unpack the wax room(s), mentally prepare for the weekend and then head down to the hotel for 4:30pm.

AB Cup 1: Skate Sprints

AB Cup 2: Classic Distance

What to Pack:
Please consult Cori's packlist from ++ years. Everyone is to bring excessively warm clothes just in case we only get one wax room. Bells for cheering, snacks for the coach (just kidding)- but for sure snacks for self, water bottles, pocket change for on the road snacks, ski boots, and everything else. Any questions please just call me.:)


  1. i will sned you my 3 things of each race on an email- emilie


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