Week of Sept 12-18, 2011.

Time is flying!!! We are onto week 4 of our first 6 week cycle and you guys are rocking this!! I love seeing you out there giving it your best and am really happy with your results. I am also really happy with your racing and your commitment to being better athletes. Way to go crew!!

Tuesday: WE ARE AT MUSKOSEEPI!! We will be around the pavilion have an awesome time with the 'house of pain'. :) Bring lots of water, a great attitude and no complaining!!

Thursday: Practice will be lead by Alex and Elmer. Someone needs to bring an ipod with some rockin' tunes on it- North won't be around to provide this entertainment... Randy has the gear, show up and be willing to work hard.

Friday-Sunday: Athabasca! Have an amazing time everyone!! Malmsten's will not be attending this camp and will be out roller skiing so if you aren't doing anything on Saturday or Sunday...

I will be back on Tuesday the 20th for yet another practice at Muskoseepi (our last one for a few weeks).


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