Week of Oct 24-30, 2011.

Hello Crew!

A huge congratulations to the amazing racers who ran this past weekend in the Wolves Relay Race. Great effort, great results and lots of fun!! Huge congrats to team Meathead, Coach (Joel) and Pinky on placing second in the open men's category (i.e.: racing against the college teams) !! Woot woot!! Double claps for Thing 1 (Perfect Pat) and Thing 2 (Moppy Matt) who did the relay with the two of them- Pat doing two fantastic laps of the course to make it a full relay and narrowly missing first overall by a few paces but still placing first in their category!!!! Awesome job Dave and her team on beating us and a Way-to-go for the Colourful 5%ers - Megan, Jenny and Myself for finishing in good stride and not coming in last!!:) Woohoo!! Special recognition out to Super Painting Dave- for painting up half of the faces out there on the course! It was fantastic!

So as I'm following my training plan that I've put in place for you guys I'm realizing that the latest workouts haven't been as difficult for you guys... what does this mean?! Um.... well.... it means that I need to change the workouts and make them harder so that you guys get even more fit!! ARRRGGG!!:) Every coaches dream dilemma. So, we are going to continue on with our focus of getting your lung capacities to handle more stress, faster and harder AND throw in some longer distances. We need to cut down our warmups (as awesome as they are) and get on with the workout sooner. Warmups are from 5:30 (or earlier) until 5:40. We will have 5 min of stretching and 'on-the-floor' and then get on with our workout. 5 min at end for a quick cool down/game with track attack on Tuesday's as I know you guys are really liking the games.

Tuesday: Bring your water bottles and lots of energy

Thursday: Bring your poles. :)

Saturday: Roller skiing- Long Sustained Distance (zone 3) for the entire practice- sounds boring but it's important in this cycle of our workout to get this in. IF the pavement is wet at 9:00am then meet at the old ski lodge for an LSD run (zone 3) for the workout. Bring water bottles, dress brightly and don't forget your helmets!


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