Week of Dec 5- Dec 11, 2011

Hey Crew!

Amazing job this weekend!! I'm super thrilled for all of you! With only four times in snow for most of you, you skied exceptionally well! Things as a coach that I see we need to work on all depends on us getting snow for us to ski on... There is no snow in the immediate forecast SO back to dry land training it is! ARGGGG!!!

Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi at 5:30-7 an we have a lot of work to do. Dress as if we would be skiing but bring your runners instead. Bring your classic ski poles too please and let's show winter that we can't be held back!!! Yeehaw to winter bootcamp!

Thursday: Meet at Muskoseepi again from 5:30-7.

Saturday: if there's still no snow we will be at Muskoseepi again.:) Lots to be done...

Note: when we do get snow I would like to spend an hour working with two or three athletes at a time and will send out a sign up sheet for athletes to come and commit to certain times outside of practice. If this is of interest to you please let me know on Tuesday and we will make it happen whenever winter decides to show up for us. :)
