January 1-January 8, 2012


Congratulations to those out racing today! I am a very proud coach watching you guys out there pushing yourselves hard and with the finesse of true racers!! Way to go- check out the results on zone 4!!

REMINDER: These are trials for the Alberta Winter Games and Arctic Winter Games teams. Race your best, you guys are all ready for it! Bring your 'A' -game and on Sunday, we will know who is has made the team! I'm SO proud of you guys and really excited about taking you up to Whitehorse this year!!

Tuesday: Classic. Yes, we are going to classic.:) Come early to wax your skis appropriately for the tough snow conditions. We will be on snow for 5:45, off snow for 6:30 leaving you with 30 minutes to clean off your classic skis and wax them with Rex blue. IF you have enough time to scrape them, great! If not, then you will be doing this on Thursday.

Thursday: Skate. We will be going over some skate racing tactics- as on Tuesday with Classic, BUT, Edmonton skiers may be joining us for this practice. If they are, then we will show them the course and ski around with them from 5:45-6:30. BE NICE TO THEM!:) Waxing your skate skis from 6:30-7 with Rex blue please.

Saturday:  Classic- we hope- be at the lodge for 8:00am. The banquet is at the Elks Hall- please purchase your tickets on zone 4 for you and your family at 5:30pm.

Sunday: Skate- be at the lodge for 8:30 please. There will be NO leaving early from anyone on the team- 1) we will be presenting the teams for AbWG & AWG and 2) we will be cleaning up. WNSC Team members will be the last to leave the lodge on this day and there will be no exceptions unless cleared by me prior to Wednesday, January 4. This race is being put on for you guys to have the opportunity to go to Arctic's and Alberta's it's your responsibility to stay until the end.

*Make sure you make up your race plans, if you need help call someone in your race category and work together on this one please. Ken, Joel and I will be around but busy with waxing etc! 


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