February 27-March 11, 2012

You read it right! This is a two week blog. I will not be updating the blog while we're at Arctics.:) I also can't believe that the next time I update this, we will be back from Arctics!!! Yiiiiiiiiii that's crazy in my mind! Anyhow.... There's an important message at the bottom in red- BUT don't skip the rest to get to it- read this all and make sure your parents read this too please!!

Great weekend of training everyone. A huge thank you to all the parents for lunch today! What a feast! We are now into tapering for Arctic's which means rest, drinking lots of water, rest some more so that when we get on that plane to Whitehorse your parents will be so glad to put you on the plane as you're driving them nuts with all this energy!:) Eat healthily and if any of your friends are sick- STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!! Yup, I'm serious!!!!

Tuesday: We will be classic skiing. The skiing was so perfect today I can't wait to get out there again. We will be on snow for 45 minutes. I have a few things left on my list to practice.

Thursday: We are going to be on snow for a 30 minute ski- your choice where we go and what we do. Also serious about this. :) We will then all wax our skis to prep for Whitehorse. Alex and John, Davis if you're available we will need you to help out too please. Alex you're prepping your skis for AB Youth Championships. There will be a team supper- biathletes included. Thank you parents again for organizing and prepping for this!!

Saturday: BE AT THE AIRPORT FOR 7:30AM. Do not bring a sleeping bag, but bring what the athlete handbook says to bring. There will NOT be an athlete bag given out this year- your carry-on bag will be your day bag for races. You are allowed 1 (ONE) bag for clothing and all your ski gear- make it large and don't forget anything!! Bring your Wapiti Race suits to train in- otherwise you guys will get REALLY smelly!! Bring empty water bottles for the flight (we can fill them after we go through security) and bring your own race food/training food/snacks minus the milk- we will be purchasing when we get there. Don't forget any part of your uniform from vest, hats, suits and jackets- LABEL IT ALL. And bring your trading pins!:) I'm SUPER excited, I hope you are too!!

  • we are staying at Port Creek Secondary School. I will have my cell phone.
  • I am doing up a daily schedule and will have it out to you when I can- this is for athletes AND parents to go over to alleviate any "I don't know what we're doing/ I didn't know" scenarios. :)

Sunday: Training Day
Monday: Short Distance Free- interval start. Everyone 5km. 12-3pm
Tuesday: Sprint- Classic 750m everyone but midgets- 500m 11-3pm
Wednesday: Training Day
Thursday: Distance Classic- mass start. Junior- 10km; Juvenile- 7.5km; Midget- 5km. 12-2:30pm
Friday: Relay Free- Everyone but midgets 5km x 3; Midgets 2.5km x3. 12-3pm
Saturday: Home

You guys have all been preparing very hard to represent Alberta in the Arctic Winter Games. I'm so proud of each and every one of you. This rest week is REALLY important. Skip any extra curricular, slack in gym (yes, I did say this), don't go to the multiplex, sleep, be lazy slugs so that you will be the best that you can be in Whitehorse. Super proud!:) C
