October 15-21


TUESDAY: Due to unforseen weather issues- Please meet for roller skiing (Seniors) and running (Juniors). 5:30pm at a new spot. We will be meeting on the Dunes Road (East entrance)- turn right onto the logging road (at the first stop sign) and 200m ish you will see room to pull off of the road onto the shoulders. We will start skiing/running from this spot. Running warmup for everyone, followed by roller skiing for the Seniors and running for the Juniors. Remember water bottles and holders for everyone- Seniors: helmets, bright coloured shirts, roller skis (Jordan I have a pair for you), poles, boots and dress appropriately.

THURSDAY: Meet at Muskoseepi pavilion with water bottles and expect a hard workout. We're at the end of our first six week cycle now and it's going to be time to be re-doing our fitness testing soon.

SATURDAY: Plan to meet at the parking spot from Tuesday for some running (it's supposed to snow Friday) and I most likely will not be there (weather pending I'm in Edmonton collecting orders from Fast Trax if you have anything for us to pick up). Please do a long consistent run on the trails for 1.5 hours. 10-11:30 will be perfect. No stopping just nice and easy jogging- For the Record- I did 2 solid hours this Saturday- so no excuses!!!:D
