Nov 12-18

Tuesday: We will be classic skiing- both groups. Working on hills and of course our technique!

Thursday: Dress appropriately, we will be doing a similar workout as we did on Tuesday but skating.

SaturdayWater bottles with holders- long sustained distance skiing (LSD) for both groups. Bring a snack along with you as well. If you choose to not bring a water bottle holder and bottle for this practice you will be asked to stay at the lodge for safety reasons and will have upset parents. Everyone has had adequate time to purchase these inexpensive items (Walk, Run More Store (10% discount to race team) and Ernie's both carry these). 2 hours of skiing is a long time for your body to be exercising without water. Skate technique and doing the same thing we did this past Saturday. I will not be at practice this weekend. Please ensure that you bring food and that you're prepared to work hard! :)

Please remember to get your uniform checks into Randy (50% of cost of uniform is needed now to ensure we get the design process done). Also- Zone 4 is up and running, the race package is out on CCA website (See below for link) and we can register for Alberta Cup 1 & 2 races!! 2.5 weeks til we head out which leaves us loads of time to work hard!
