Nov 5 - Nov 11

What a change in a week! :( Go away rain and wind!!!! :S

Tuesday: Dress warmly as we will be focusing on technique for Skating. This will be our last day of training with the focus solely on technique.

Thursday: Dress appropriately, we will be doing some interval work. We will be parting ways with the Junior Team and the Senior Team here. There will be more group work on weeks where it's a rest week in our training cycle. Seniors: focus on speed and technique. Juniors: focus on technique and distance. Skating Technique.

Saturday: Water bottles with holders- long sustained distance skiing (LSD) for both groups. Bring a snack along with you as well. If you choose to not bring a water bottle holder and bottle for this practice you will be asked to stay at the lodge for safety reasons and will have upset parents. Everyone has had adequate time to purchase these inexpensive items (Walk, Run More Store (10% discount to race team) and Ernie's both carry these). 2 hours of skiing is a long time for your body to be exercising without water. LSD skiing is to get you out there putting on km's onto your skis and body with the focus of NO STOPPING and working on your technique. Skating Technique, unless the weather man is correct and it's snowing lots of fresh snow- if this is the case, then we will be classic skiing.
