January 21-27th, 2013.

What a crazy week last week was- but you guys completely rocked it!! Fitness test results look good... we may try for a few more strength days instead of snow days in the coming two months to get your strength up as both of those workouts last week were doozies and it showed on your bodies on Saturday! Couldn't have asked for better timing though! And it's snowing now!

MARCH: Please note that I will be away March 12-20th. I am making up the lost time with extra Saturday's and will have a training schedule in place for the days that I will be gone. As the loppet falls on the Sunday that I'm away- training will be geared towards that event for that week leading up to it. Please check your March calendars and if you have any concerns or questions just email or call me.

Junior Parents! Please note a few things. 1) Edmonton AB Cup is Feb 2 &3. This event is open for you to attend but you will be in charge of your own expenses. I will (mostly Ken & Randy) wax the athlete's skis for the events if you are interested in attending. Of those who have voiced that they would like to attend- will be staying with friends and family to cut on costs. I only ask that we still try and make it a team event where we try and spend as much time as possible together (like Drayton Valley- or a bit more even). 2) Alberta Youth Championships are in Bragg Creek, AB (it's an all inclusive event) for those athletes who are Mini-midget and younger. This is an excellent event and I highly recommend it. Please see the attached link for more info (http://xcbraggcreek.ca under up coming events). I will be willing to attend this event if there are enough athletes/families interested in attending. Please discuss among yourselves and get back to me before Feb 1.

Tuesday: Klister as it's icy and we will be classic skiing (I think anyhow- check to see how icy it is when you get there). Top coat it with something temperature appropriate. It's doable and it'll be rough- but we're getting snow all this week (thankfully) and we're good to go!! Intervals for both groups with a focus on technique for the juniors.

Thursday: Skate skiing. Your glide should be ok from the past two days but as it's rough out there- check your skis before deciding to re-wax. If they're white it means they need to be waxed. Intervals as well- but bring your headlamps for this one! Weeeee it's going to be fun!:) I will be on snow at 6pm so please make sure you work on 5 laps of 5&5's and then your warmup loop. If I'm not there yet- then do laps of clawridge afterwards.


  • 10:00- on snow with skate skis (but bring your classics as well). Prep for 30 minutes
  • 10:30- split off into groups with a junior & senior to teach the jackrabbits what we will have worked on in the first 30 minutes. Some of you will be skating and some will be classic. (don't worry about changing your boots- we will be skating afterwards). Wear your Wapiti jacket and show off the race suit! 
  • 10:50- Regroup with race team in the stadium. We will be working on the lower trails again so bring water and I will need a leader for the juniors- seniors you rested too much yesterday. :) Juniors, if you get into the stadium before 12- go find a group again and just ski with them. Help out any little ones that maybe look like they're struggling.
  • 12-12:30- Elmer Junior (Hannah) and Waterboy(Dario) will work with me on their skate technique. If I could have an adult with me for this one too please- if it's possible- parents let me know if this will work. Thanks.
That's it for now! Yahooo to fresh snow and ice!:) C
