January 28- February 3

Where is the time going?!

Great few weeks of training crew!! I'm hearing a lot of complaints of sore muscles and tired athletes. YES... my mission was accomplished for the past few weeks!:) You guys are ready to race! This week will be different in that the weather isn't cooperating with us... SOOOO.... read below carefully please!

Parents- please organize another meal for the team... there will be a few junior athletes attending but not all (I'm however unsure of whom these people will be). Sorry I can't be more clear.

http://www.xcountryab.net/main.php for the race notice.

Tuesday: It's going to be too cold to do anything. We will be waxing as many sets of skis as possible with race wax- that means classic and skate. While half of the team are downstairs waxing- the other half will be doing some stretching/yoga moves upstairs (bring a mat) and meeting with me as well. Practice will end as close to 7 as possible. Classic skis and skate skis will need to have rex blue on them. All classic skis will be leaving for Edmonton at 4am on Wednesday morning- therefore, if you need classic skis in Edmonton for the race you need to be waxing them on Tuesday. IF this doesn't fit into your schedule... then you're in charge of your own skis being transported down to Edmonton. They WILL NOT be put into the skate bag. Show up early if you can, to get started on this.

Thursday: We will be skiing but on rock skis/ your own skis if you're not going to Edmonton/ Revolutions. We will be doing some work that we should have done on Tuesday... and then waxing our skate skis with race wax/prep. I'm not sure what this wax is yet so unfortunately can't plan in advance for this- (they should have Rex blue on them from Tuesday). However, it will be picked out by Thursday for practice. Supper with the team if you're going to Edmonton- hopefully leaving around 8/8:30.

Friday: Leave for Edmonton. If you can aim to arrive for a pre-ski around 2:30 at gold stick park that would be great. Please let me know if you won't be there for this. I have a coaches meeting at 7pm. We are staying in Sherwood Park and BP's is right next door- supper will be at 5:15. If we can have a parent take the lead on booking this for us I'd appreciate it. Junior athletes/parents/families- I'm thrilled that you're coming to Edmonton- I ask that we try and stick together as much as possible but realize that you're staying with family/friends. Please try and stick with the team as much as possible, for as much of the day- most of the team bonding happens outside of the races and that's the fun stuff that the kids really like! If you have any questions or concerns please just talk to me. 

Saturday: Skate races

Sunday: Classic races
