February 25-March 3, 2013.
A HUGE thank you to all race team parents and junior race team for the amazing weekend of racing put on by you guys. WHAT AN EVENT!!! The compliments from everyone that I saw was awesome and by head was pretty full of the comments ranging from: Hardest but fun trails; second best canteen in the world (previous NST racers); amazing organization; great venue; great waxing; overall friendly environment for everyone (competitors included- everyone behaved); awesome tasty medals... and on and on. Thank you!!!!
As we recover from this weekend, we still have races to prepare for!! Sharkfest (which isn't being held at Mt. Shark but in Canmore) is our championship event and only 2 weeks away!!! Parents (junior and senior) please let Randy know if you're going to be attending or not. (ps- Randy- I'm coming!;) )
Tuesday: Recovery day for seniors; training day for juniors (judging from the energy levels it's time...) :D. Skate
Thursday: Skate for all.
Saturday: We'll see what the weather does. Come prepared for both please! Have a great week and hope we all recover this week.
As we recover from this weekend, we still have races to prepare for!! Sharkfest (which isn't being held at Mt. Shark but in Canmore) is our championship event and only 2 weeks away!!! Parents (junior and senior) please let Randy know if you're going to be attending or not. (ps- Randy- I'm coming!;) )
Tuesday: Recovery day for seniors; training day for juniors (judging from the energy levels it's time...) :D. Skate
Thursday: Skate for all.
Saturday: We'll see what the weather does. Come prepared for both please! Have a great week and hope we all recover this week.
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