Oct 7- Oct 13, 2013.

What a great rest week everyone! Training was super easy and I'm glad a bunch of you were sick this week- as now everyone is going to be ready to start pushing hard again! Right?! :D If you're still sick (and I'm sorry to those of you who were sick...) please ensure that your body is getting enough rest and that you're drinking tons of water! Come to training a few intervals are good for the body- research is saying that pushing your body while it's sick, a bit, is good for it and helps with the healing. Don't forget the "a bit" part though!

A HUGE thank you to Cori for hosting our team party/sleepover this weekend! I concur with Cori though, next time we may make it potluck veggies and fruit instead of dessert. ;D What a racket of fun and hope there weren't too many thorns requiring being pulled out today.

Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi for our "bag-o-goodies" workout. No, it's not dessert or candy. :D Bring your water bottle AND a ready-to-work-out attitude!

Thursday: Meet at the Lodge for ski bounding- bring poles if you have them and if you don't I will have some with me. Also bring a water bottle holder and your lungs as we will be running around quite a bit.

Saturday: Same as last week: 10-12. Same place and same idea. For those of you in group 3, please be prepared to NOT roller ski. As explained last practice, I would like your on snow technique to be perfected prior to putting you on wheels and cement! Be prepared to run and have a harder workout as we're in build week 1!

See you on the trails!
