Nov 4- Nov 10, 2013.

PLEASE READ: I'd appreciate not having a repeat from Saturday please. Before Tuesday's practice I'd like you to all read page four of your Wapiti Race Team Handbook. I'm serious. I have had a few concerned parents approaching me informing me that their athletes feel like practice isn't difficult enough; I have athletes informing me that they weren't ready for a rest week; I make practice more difficult; and I get the entire team walking back to the parking lot… IF you guys aren't ready to move to the next level and be prepared for our races that are 3 weeks away… that is your choice, I can't make miracles happen. Practice is designed for you to push yourself to your maximum every time (except during rest week), if you're not tired, then you didn't work hard enough. I can't make it any more plain; work hard and the results will show!

Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi. Wear gloves, bring water bottles and shoes with a good grip for running on slippery surfaces. Don't forget to bring your race gear that you've grown out of! Parent meeting tonight.

Thursday: Fitness Test at the lodge. Bring water and running gear again- no snow in the forecast yet, so we will be fine using the stadium still- unfortunately. :S

Saturday: Still no snow in the forecast… so we will meet at the same spot out on the correction line across from Aquaterra road in the parking lot. Bring runners, water bottle holders and gloves or mitts. Dress appropriately for the weather- the mornings are colder this week- with sub -10oC which is a start in the right direction.
