December 30, 2013- January 5th, 2014.

Please ensure that you're registered for the Alberta Winter Games if you will be competing!! See the email that I sent out.

Please register for the races this weekend before the deadline:

Please read the race notice:

Please read this blog entirely from start to end and don't skip on any details- it's all important!

Alright- great training this past week, a few more days and maybe we'll have worked out that turkey and other non-athlete foods that you've consumed over the holidays will be out of your systems!!! Me included. :)

Tuesday: Will be cold outside so dress warmly. We will be classic skiing as there's no way that the groomers are going to be able to keep up with all this ridiculous amount of amazing, wonderful snow that we're getting!!! SO- training will begin in the lodge at 1:00 to discuss this week's process and then will move outdoors for some training. Training from 1-3 again.

Wednesday- Happy New Year!!!: To be confirmed- but it's usually our New Year's Day Race… This is an original pursuit race where we race both techniques and have a lot of fun. Race start is for 2:00pm. Check the website for updates on this as the weather is touch and go. After this race, please clean off your classic skis and wax them with rex blue. IF you choose to race this race, I strongly suggest that you race the second shortest distance possible (i.e.- Not Mika's distance) and use it as a training/quick interval session.

Thursday: Training from 1-3 again. Skate skiing. We will not be on snow the entire two hours, but I will be available for the team during this time. Please note, after training you will be prepping your skate skis with Rex Blue. ALL Skis will be taken to Claire's house for waxing for the weekend- poles will be kept in the team pole bag which will be kept in the dungeon (where our area is). Jake, bits of Randy, bits of Jim, Davis, North and I will be waxing up in the equipment shed by biathlon during the weekend. You will be expected to come up and get your skis- please remember to add this time into your race plans when we go over them on Thursday.

Friday: For those of you returning from holidays- skis MUST be dropped off at my house this day. If they cannot be dropped off, you will be in charge of waxing your athlete(s) skis for Saturday's race. It is a classic race and you can call me for the wax Friday evening. I will be at the coaches meeting from 7-8pm. Typically around 8pm the race start list will be posted on where you can find your start times for the next days race.

Saturday: I would like the team to show up 2 hours prior to their age group start time. The first person from the team will secure a 'team spot' in the lodge and this will be the gathering spot. All race plans will be written in age groups so that everyone can just fill in the time blanks from when the first person in your category leaves and knows where to meet their team mates. Skis can be found 45 min to your race start at the equipment shed. If you need your skis sooner- you will have to text me. Please stay after your races to cheer on the rest of the team and for awards. You are free to return home after the awards are over, NOT before. It's important that we support the club by staying after the races until awards are over. This will be the ONLY race to qualify for the Alberta Winter Games. This will be the FIRST of two races to qualify for the Arctic Winter Games. Also, please remember that this is the first race for some of our athletes- please help each other out as all parents have a busy job to do and I'm going to be very busy waxing your skis! If you don't know what's going on- first check your race plan, then ask 3 other team mates and still if you don't have an answer, then come and ask me or call me on my cell. While the races are on I will be out on the trails cheering you guys on hopefully as the skis will be perfect. :) Check zone4 for your race start times after 8pm.

Sunday: I would like the team to show up again, 2 hours prior to their age group start time. I know I usually say 1.5 hours but I'm playing it safe. It's easy to forget steps especially when it's on our home turf. So please, stay focused and help each other out. We will all be staying until the cleanup is done. No one gets to leave early please- many hands keep the work quick and light. The races should be done by 2, clean up will be quick and hopefully only take an hour or so- so plan to stay until 4. This will be the SECOND race of two races to qualify for the Arctic Winter Games.
