January 20-26th, 2014

Please register on www.zone4.ca for the Alberta Cup Races in Red Deer. Yes, it's warm there but we're still planning on going as they also had lots of snow before the warm weather and as much as I dislike klister… we'll be using it! If you haven't indicated that you're attending the races or not attending the races to Randy or myself- please do so ASAP- we need to know if you're coming or not coming. It's a great event and will be a lot of fun as it's been years, I mean years, since a race was hosted in Red Deer!! Very exciting!

Tuesday: Be prepared to stay until 8:00pm. Skis will be waxed and prepped at training in two groups. When you get to the lodge please start cleaning your classic skis and waxing them with Rex Blue and LF 8 or CH8 unless you're a juvenile or junior- then only do Rex blue. Your wax will be determined once we get to Red Deer. :) I will then have the juveniles and juniors go for a skate ski- and the midgets will continue to work on their skis. After their ski, the juniors and juveniles will come in and finish waxing their skis- depending on how quickly the mini midgets and midgets get their skis done, depends on if we will be skiing or not (it'll be skate skiing). Everything needs to be packed up and ready to go on Tuesday by 8pm. If skis aren't ready, they will be required to be transported by the athlete. Parents: please discuss transportation amongst yourselves- I'd hate for people to be driving down if they don't need to be, as well, we need someone to please take the lead on the hotels, Randy has booked stuff, but we need someone to put us into rooms please. I am also unsure of who exactly is coming and who isn't… please let use know!

Thursday: Most people will be on the road Thursday evening, traveling to Red Deer.

Friday: Meet at the Red Deer Nordic race site- Read the race notice: http://reddeernordic.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/AB-Cup-5-6-Race-Notice.pdf for directions and information at 1:00pm (?)- this may be earlier due to the weather, however the race notice says training is from 1-4… will see for this!

Saturday: Skate technique

Sunday: Classic technique and return to GP.
