February 10- February 16, 2014.
Well done athletes on some great racing and on bringing home some bling!! All 13 of you should be proud of your results and proud of what you accomplished at these games! I know that I sure am and it was REALLY hard being here and not with you!:)
A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO: Head Coach Jim, Coach Yolande and Coach Jake!!! Thank you so much for taking our awesome team to Canmore and for doing everything you did! Thank you for volunteering your time to do this and for encouraging the athletes every step of the way!! Athletes, please thank these amazing coaches!!!
Events to Come:
*Please let me know if you're planning on attending the Alberta Youth Championships.
*Please register your athlete for this event: https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=5602&lan=1&cartlevel=1
*Please read the event notice: http://www.xcountryab.net/dbfiles/415.pdf
*Please register yourselves, parents as a chaperone- 1 per every 2 kids preferably- this can be figured out at the team parent meeting on Thursday Feb 13 at 5:45.
Important Team Name information: Grace has a new nickname- it's "bushwhacker"- ask her how she got this. :) AND Carla is now officially "pop ski"- again, ask her about her adventures this past week. :)
Tuesday: We are entering our last(ish) week of rest. Which means actively resting, not laying in bed and refusing to come to practice!;) We will be classic-ing this practice- dress warmly and come for a no-stopping, continuous team ski. I look forward to hearing about the journeys/adventures at the games.thletes please inform your parents about this one! :)
Thursday: We will be skate skiing today. Again, come for a no-stopping, continuous team ski. Team parent meeting on Thursday Feb 13 at 5:45 regarding Alberta Youth Championships. Athletes please inform your parents about this one! :)
Saturday: I will be away this practice, as some of you will also be. Happy family day weekend!! Please go for a long ski (skate or classic your choice) and practice great technique for the full two hours. Enjoy the journey and prizes to those who ski the farthest- you must be able to show me on a map where you went!! Happy Trails!
And remember: keep the black side down and the tips facing forwards!;)
Well done athletes on some great racing and on bringing home some bling!! All 13 of you should be proud of your results and proud of what you accomplished at these games! I know that I sure am and it was REALLY hard being here and not with you!:)
A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO: Head Coach Jim, Coach Yolande and Coach Jake!!! Thank you so much for taking our awesome team to Canmore and for doing everything you did! Thank you for volunteering your time to do this and for encouraging the athletes every step of the way!! Athletes, please thank these amazing coaches!!!
Events to Come:
*Please let me know if you're planning on attending the Alberta Youth Championships.
*Please register your athlete for this event: https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=5602&lan=1&cartlevel=1
*Please read the event notice: http://www.xcountryab.net/dbfiles/415.pdf
*Please register yourselves, parents as a chaperone- 1 per every 2 kids preferably- this can be figured out at the team parent meeting on Thursday Feb 13 at 5:45.
Important Team Name information: Grace has a new nickname- it's "bushwhacker"- ask her how she got this. :) AND Carla is now officially "pop ski"- again, ask her about her adventures this past week. :)
Tuesday: We are entering our last(ish) week of rest. Which means actively resting, not laying in bed and refusing to come to practice!;) We will be classic-ing this practice- dress warmly and come for a no-stopping, continuous team ski. I look forward to hearing about the journeys/adventures at the games.thletes please inform your parents about this one! :)
Thursday: We will be skate skiing today. Again, come for a no-stopping, continuous team ski. Team parent meeting on Thursday Feb 13 at 5:45 regarding Alberta Youth Championships. Athletes please inform your parents about this one! :)
Saturday: I will be away this practice, as some of you will also be. Happy family day weekend!! Please go for a long ski (skate or classic your choice) and practice great technique for the full two hours. Enjoy the journey and prizes to those who ski the farthest- you must be able to show me on a map where you went!! Happy Trails!
And remember: keep the black side down and the tips facing forwards!;)
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