October 13-19, 2014.

Well, I must have eaten too much turkey last night as I forgot to write in the blog until now… my apologies and I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving with friends and family.

Rest week/build week #1:

Tuesday- will be a good workout. Although we're in rest week, we can still workout hard. :D Who knew huh?!! We will be out at the lodge and will be doing some striding and bounding so bring short poles please.

Thursday- Meet at Muskoseepi for an awesome workout. It's a new one!! SO EXCITING!!

Saturday- Meet at the correction line for a roller ski workout- hopefully fall will let us get in one more good roller ski practice in. :D Or it can snow, in that case we will still be out there.


Junior Race Team

Thursday- Meet Davis at Muskoseepi Park out back behind the pavilion for 5pm. Bring a water bottle and holder and runners. For those of you new to the group, there will be a few handbooks there. Please be on time- burpies for those of you who are late… right Mika?:D

Saturday- Meet Davis at the lodge out in the XC Stadium. Please remember the time change- 10:15-11:45. Don't forget your water bottles and holders!!! 
