December 1-9, 2014.
Thank you everyone for being flexible and rolling with the weather (and everything it brought with it) that we've received in the past 7 days!
Canmore was rescheduled for this coming weekend. So far Bardak's, Lundstrom's and Pruden's will be attending. IF there is anyone else, please call me so that details can be figured out.
IMPORTANT: On February 21 & 22 Grande Prairie is hosting the Alberta Special Olympic Winter Games and the ski club is hosting the skiing. At the beginning of the year I put this out a mandatory team volunteer (Volun-told) experience, parents are encouraged as well to help. Please ensure that you're names are down to volunteer by contacting Grant Bourree: and confirm your numbers. Again, this is a MANDATORY TEAM EVENT which was introduced to everyone at the beginning of the year.
REMINDER- if the temperature is below -15oC we will be classic skiing unless I state otherwise (i.e.: we're prepping for an important skate race).
Tuesday: We will be classic skiing and there will be 2 groups again. Group 1: going to Canmore; Group 2: staying here in GP. Group 1 (will use the classic revolution skis for training and start prepping your classic skis for Canmore- see details below) & Group 2 will be training for the first 45 minutes together. Then Group 2 will stay outside with me and Group 1 will go in and complete prepping their skis. Group 1: clean off your classic skis, wax with Rex blue and then with LF4. Don't bother scraping of the LF4 unless you have time after practice. Your skate skis are ready to go so don't worry about them, you will load all skis and poles in the black fischer bag and Jake with load up a table and wax box.
*Those attending Canmore please keep checking the website: to keep up-to-date on your race notices as they've changed again today (Sunday)- best to check it daily for right now.
Thursday: We will be classic skiing as the weather looks like it's going to be warm enough we will get some good stuff in!!! Be prepared to huff and puff those lungs out! Bring a headlamp please as there's an adventure in this workout.
Saturday: We will be skate skiing. Be ready to get some work done with this workout as well, with this cold snap/snow dump that we've had we have lost our cycle of training and so be ready to get it going!!! :)
Junior Race Team
Thursday: Classic Skiing- remember water bottles, headlamps and to be on time on snow please.
Saturday: Skate Skiing- remember snacks and the weather will be great! See you on snow!
Any questions or concerns, please just email or call Claire. Thanks!
Canmore was rescheduled for this coming weekend. So far Bardak's, Lundstrom's and Pruden's will be attending. IF there is anyone else, please call me so that details can be figured out.
IMPORTANT: On February 21 & 22 Grande Prairie is hosting the Alberta Special Olympic Winter Games and the ski club is hosting the skiing. At the beginning of the year I put this out a mandatory team volunteer (Volun-told) experience, parents are encouraged as well to help. Please ensure that you're names are down to volunteer by contacting Grant Bourree: and confirm your numbers. Again, this is a MANDATORY TEAM EVENT which was introduced to everyone at the beginning of the year.
REMINDER- if the temperature is below -15oC we will be classic skiing unless I state otherwise (i.e.: we're prepping for an important skate race).
Tuesday: We will be classic skiing and there will be 2 groups again. Group 1: going to Canmore; Group 2: staying here in GP. Group 1 (will use the classic revolution skis for training and start prepping your classic skis for Canmore- see details below) & Group 2 will be training for the first 45 minutes together. Then Group 2 will stay outside with me and Group 1 will go in and complete prepping their skis. Group 1: clean off your classic skis, wax with Rex blue and then with LF4. Don't bother scraping of the LF4 unless you have time after practice. Your skate skis are ready to go so don't worry about them, you will load all skis and poles in the black fischer bag and Jake with load up a table and wax box.
*Those attending Canmore please keep checking the website: to keep up-to-date on your race notices as they've changed again today (Sunday)- best to check it daily for right now.
Thursday: We will be classic skiing as the weather looks like it's going to be warm enough we will get some good stuff in!!! Be prepared to huff and puff those lungs out! Bring a headlamp please as there's an adventure in this workout.
Saturday: We will be skate skiing. Be ready to get some work done with this workout as well, with this cold snap/snow dump that we've had we have lost our cycle of training and so be ready to get it going!!! :)
Junior Race Team
Thursday: Classic Skiing- remember water bottles, headlamps and to be on time on snow please.
Saturday: Skate Skiing- remember snacks and the weather will be great! See you on snow!
Any questions or concerns, please just email or call Claire. Thanks!
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