November 3 - November 9, 2014.

!!! 4 weeks until our first race!!! Where is the time going?!

Fitness test is done, I will get your results out to you when I can. :D Good effort you guys and we're well on the way to getting ready for this year's racing season. 1 minor detail... we need some snow to ski on and there isn't any in the forecast!! :l Soooo… more ski bounding, pole work/technique and dry land training!!! YAY! Dress appropriately please, in layers, as it's going to be cooler than what we've been used too and dark. :(

Tuesday: Meet out at the lodge, bring runners, poles, headlamp and water bottles.

Thursday: Stefan Kuhn from the World Cup Academy will be joining us OUT AT THE LODGE. As you guys have chosen, we will be doing a doubles circuit, bring poles, head lamp, dress in layers and runners. Practice will be ending later than normal IF your athlete would like some work 1-1 with Stefan. Please let me know at the beginning of practice if you will NOT be staying late. Please see his Bio below.

Saturday: Roller skiing. Yup, you read it right. :( But that's ok- it'll be cold enough that it'll be like skiing! If the frost is too much, then we will be all heading back to the lodge for our workout- bring roller skiing gear AND shorter poles for running. Parents, please don't just drop your athlete and drive off, we will wait until 10am to make the final decision. Don't forget any gear!

compliments of Wikipedia!;)

Stefan Kuhn

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stefan Kuhn
Stefan Kuhn (born October 1, 1979) is a Canadian cross-country skier and chef. Kuhn was born in Banff and competed in various international skiing events from 1998 to 2000,[1] before retiring in 2001 to become a full-time chef.[2] In 2005, while working at a fine restaurant in Edmonton, Kuhn decided to relaunch his cross-country career.[2] He participated in his first World Cup race in December 2005.[1]
Kuhn's best finish in the World Cup is a 15th place in a sprint event in Kuusamo in 2008.[1] He competed in the 2006-07 Tour de Ski, the 2007 World Ski Championships,[1] and the 2010 Winter Olympics.[2] Kuhn currently lives in Canmore and coach's with the AWCA ski team, he also appears at the Paint Box lodge as a guest Chef. Canmore.[1]
He finished 15th in the individual sprint event at the 2010 Games. Holding Canada's best ever male result result in this event.

Junior Race Team:

Thursday: MEET OUT AT THE LODGE. Apologies on the change of location, but with our guest coach coming and training, it's easier to be at the lodge for this workout. Davis will meet you in the stadium and the time stays the same: 5-6pm. Training times will change when we are actually skiing. Please have a headlamp for your athlete and the usual other equipment and ensure your athletes are dressing in layers with the temperature changes coming. 

Saturday: Meet at the lodge, and please have your athlete bring all of their ski equipment. They will be working with their ski poles to learn some new technique stuff. Also, please bring the athlete/family wax box  as Davis will be doing a waxing session with PARENTS AND ATHLETES during training time. Have a great week! 

And please, if you have any questions or concerns please contact myself: 780-933-0853. Thank you!
