Dec 29- January 4, 2015
Happy New Year!!!!
Great job crew on getting the worst practice of the year complete! It's all smoother trails from here!:D With Christmas behind us and lots ahead please remember to go for some long slow skis with friends/ family/ random people... But have fun too!!
Important! Please confirm that you will be attending Westerns/AB Cup 5&6 with me ASAP please!
Tuesday- Skate practice. Bring a headlamp. water bottle and your great attitude!!!
Thursday- Happy New Year!! No practice
Saturday- Classic practice- the forecast says -25... let's hope it changes between now and then! Long slow ski- the usual cold weather day ski...
Sunday- 6 Pac #2- classic race, mass start I believe- keep an eye on the temperatures as the race will be cancelled if it's -20 or colder by noon on Sunday. Race start is 2:00pm; registration closes at 1:30, please be there in advance prepping your skis (if you need assistance please email or call Claire) remember that it takes close to 1 hour to prep skis for some people. See you all there!!
Junior Race Team
It seems that the weather may be against us this week with the schedule. There will be no practice on Thursday BUT it seems that the forecast is showing for a high of -25...Taking the kids out for a few skis this week before the cold weather hits is highly recommended. Unfortunately Davis is working on Tuesday as am I, so we will not be able to facilitate an earlier practice for this crew on Tuesday.
Sunday- it's a 6 pac race!!!! Please see the note above regarding this event. Thanks a bunch and see you out on the trails!
Great job crew on getting the worst practice of the year complete! It's all smoother trails from here!:D With Christmas behind us and lots ahead please remember to go for some long slow skis with friends/ family/ random people... But have fun too!!
Important! Please confirm that you will be attending Westerns/AB Cup 5&6 with me ASAP please!
Tuesday- Skate practice. Bring a headlamp. water bottle and your great attitude!!!
Thursday- Happy New Year!! No practice
Saturday- Classic practice- the forecast says -25... let's hope it changes between now and then! Long slow ski- the usual cold weather day ski...
Sunday- 6 Pac #2- classic race, mass start I believe- keep an eye on the temperatures as the race will be cancelled if it's -20 or colder by noon on Sunday. Race start is 2:00pm; registration closes at 1:30, please be there in advance prepping your skis (if you need assistance please email or call Claire) remember that it takes close to 1 hour to prep skis for some people. See you all there!!
Junior Race Team
It seems that the weather may be against us this week with the schedule. There will be no practice on Thursday BUT it seems that the forecast is showing for a high of -25...Taking the kids out for a few skis this week before the cold weather hits is highly recommended. Unfortunately Davis is working on Tuesday as am I, so we will not be able to facilitate an earlier practice for this crew on Tuesday.
Sunday- it's a 6 pac race!!!! Please see the note above regarding this event. Thanks a bunch and see you out on the trails!
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