December 15-21, 2014

We are officially 1/2 way through the season!! Can you believe that?! Please read all below as details for the races in Edmonton will be important to know for those attending and those not attending!

Christmas Schedule: There will be practices on Dec 23, 27, 30 and Jan 3. IF you have the time and the inkling- please go for long slow skis with your family or another team mate… the more skiing the better!!

Edmonton: Please register your athletes for this race on before Wednesday, Dec 17 @11pm.

Tuesday: Classic- it'll be cold and the snow will be icy. Be prepared to double pole a bunch or put on klister! :) After practice, if you plan to spend an extra 10-15 minutes on your skis prepping them for Edmonton, this would be useful!

Thursday: Skate- before practice work on your classic skis. If you are not going to race in Edmonton, there will be a full practice still. After practice, to going to Edmonton work on your skate skis. Please clean off your skis properly! Wax both pairs with Rex Blue ONLY. I am unable to ascertain what will be going on top until the evening of Thursday- so please bare with me. If I know earlier I will let you know- but seeing as Environment Canada is saying that the temperatures look on the warmer side (+ temps) it will be a last minute decision and perhaps one not made until we get to Strathcona Wilderness Centre on Friday.

I'm assuming that dinner will be provided to those prepping for Edmonton this evening. Please watch your emails for details from Carrie Lundstrom!


Edmonton Races: are being held at the Strathcona Wilderness Centre . Check google maps or your phone apps to find it!! It's past Sherwood Park… :D

FRIDAY: Please be at the centre for 2:00pm. We will be there for 2.5 hours going over the race courses and getting some skiing in. Please plan appropriately for this. Supper will be on your own and a group text will be issued in the evening (8:30ish pm) on what time I would like the kids to be at the lodge for, Saturday morning. There lodge is not very big and waxing is done outdoors- please dress appropriately and bring all the warm clothing that you own!! I will be able to spend some time with the athletes discussing their race course and the kids will sit down and put together their race plans according to their age group in this 2.5 hours. I will also be wax testing too to prep for Saturday and Sunday. Parents and those NOT racing MUST purchase day passes for each of the days that we are there if you're skiing. All registered athletes DO NOT have too. 

SATURDAY: It's a classic race day! The race notice can be found here. Please read this for all race information. I will text you the evening before to let you know when your athlete is starting their race. Typically I ask athletes to be at the facility 2 hours before a classic race day (junior athletes, an hour is sufficient). We will most likely be applying klister… please be aware that this is a very time consuming process and we will be doing our best to get your skis to you on time!

Saturday there will be a team dinner (details to be determined if they haven't already been distributed). Please plan to be with the team during this time. I will again be texting everyone details for when to arrive for Sunday. Usually it's 1.5 hours before race start for a skate race (junior athletes an hour is sufficient).

SUNDAY: It's a skate day- less chaos and stickiness! Plan to cheer on the younger athletes after your races as they will have cheered you on! It's a lot more fun for everyone!


Junior Racers

Christmas Schedule: There will be practices on Dec 27 and Jan 3 only. IF you have the time and the inkling- please go for long slow skis with your family or another team mate… the more skiing the better!!

Thursday: Skate skiing- practice will be shorter to help get skis prepared for Edmonton races. It is my understanding that Caitlyn and Seamus are the only juniors not attending in Edmonton, so Lynch's and Rickett's please pick your children up earlier if you can.  Davis will be helping with the preparation of the kids skis as much as she can, parents your assistance would be greatly appreciated, please ask questions if you're unsure. Rex Blue will be applied to all the skis in preparation for Edmonton.

Saturday: There will be NO practice in GP!

Edmonton details are above. Please consult your junior race team manual for information too. 
