January 26-February 1, 2015.

IMPORTANT: Please respond to the email that I sent out Sunday evening. This needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later. I would like to know that the list has been filled asap. It is in regards to the mandatory 'volunteering' that I have brought up numerous times with the team and in meetings with the Special Olympics Events that Grande Prairie is hosting on Feb 21 & 22. Please sign your name to the list wherever you can help out on at least one of the 2 days. Thank you for responding quickly to this request! There are apparently only 35 racers, so this will be similar to a 6 pac race with a bit more assistance required and A LOT more fun!!! :)

Camrose: is coming quickly (in 2 weeks) and it's not clear who will be attending. Please let myself know, also there are a few hotels in Camrose and I'm assuming that they're filling up quickly, so please book yourself in- check for emails from Jake in case a team hotel has been picked. If you're staying with  family that's great and I will update everyone via text as per usual. I'm looking for a ride for Seamus please- is there anyone who has room for him? He will have family to stay with in Edmonton I believe and just requires a ride to and fro Grande Prairie. We will be meeting in Camrose on Friday around 1:30pm to go over the trails and the races etc. Please read the Vague Race Notice and register for this event!

Tuesday: because nature doesn't seem to realize that it's supposed to be winter… we will be on our skate skis this week doing a variety of different workouts… pray for snow and winter to come back please!!! :D

Thursday: Skate skis…

Saturday: Skate skis… there's supposed to be a 6 pac but am not sure if this will actually happen… keep your ears posted and I will let you know by Thursday… it'll be skate- surprise, surprise…


Junior Team:

Please read the note above in Red and about Camrose… these are both important. As most of the team will be in Camrose on Feb 7/8, there will be NO practice in Grande Prairie that Saturday.

Thursday: Skate skiing- due to snow conditions and nature being slightly confused on what the season current is supposed to be…

Saturday: Same as Thursday- also please read the Saturday note above. :D
