February 16 - March 1

Hello Racers!! Please note that this blog post is for THE NEXT 2 WEEKS.

Please also note- Saturday March 14 is a mandatory team event- practice will be from 10am-2pm. Details to come regarding this event which will be held at the old ski lodge (and area). Snowpants will also be mandatory! :D

Week 1: Feb 16-22

We will be focusing on classic for the next two weeks, leading up to the Loppet. Please keep checking on zone4 to register for this event. I'm unsure of when registration will open. I encourage you to all do a distance longer than you would normally choose- keeping in mind that we ski around 10-15km/ practice… who knew right?! :)

Tuesday: Classic: speed and technique day!

Thursday: I will be splitting you up into groups this practice to go for a long 'small group' ski. No one will be skiing alone and I will have pre-planned distances that you will be doing for this practice- please be on snow for 5:30, with a water bottle and headlamp.

Saturday: There will be no practice as you're all going to be too busy being awesome for the Special Olympics athletes and cheering them on while they race!! Thank you in advance for being THIS awesome!!!

Week 2: Feb 23-March 1

Tuesday: Classic- speed and hard! :)

Thursday: Moderate speed and hard! Be nice to Mallory or Ken will keep you all in line!;)

Saturday: Loppet day!!! Have a great race and I look forward to following you on zone4!!! Have fun with this!


Junior Racers!

Please note this blog post is for THE NEXT 2 WEEKS!

The focus for the next two weeks will be on classic skiing only to prepare the kids for the Loppet being held on Feb 28. Registration will be on zone4 but am unsure of when it will be online- please check on the site regularly!  

Week 1: Feb 16-22

Thursday: Classic- speed and technique day also!

Saturday: There will be NO practice this day as we are hosting the Special Olympics athletes! Please come out and cheer for the athletes if you're not too busy volunteering!! It's great for our kids to see these athletes persevering and doing amazing things!

Week 2: Feb 23- March 1

Thursday: Classic- Distance

Saturday: Loppet day!!! I recommend signing your athlete up for a "longer than normal" distance (i.e.: Mika will be registering for the 6km event) as this is what Loppets are for! Bring a lunch and have fun with it!!

See you all in March!!
