March 16-22, 2015.
Soooo… I'm not sure if winter is over or not, and judging by the weather forecast, it seems no one knows… For those families planning on attending our last race of the season in Canmore, it's still going ahead as of today. A final decision will be made by next Sunday, the 22nd. Man-made snow does deplete more slowly, so keeping fingers crossed Canmore is still a go-ahead.
In other news... Grande Prairie is quickly losing it's snow for those of you who may not have noticed. :D As things stand, I am still planning ahead for Canmore and will continue with the training plan as such. However, one significant change is the global mass panic that we may not get our swimsuit ski in before we are completely out of snow! AAAHHHHHH!!!! Read below!;)
Also, the team wind-up celebration will be held on Tuesday, March 31* (see asterisk below), at the lodge. Recognizing that there are a few people with other commitments on Tuesday, I'm asking that you make a concession for this last Tuesday of the season to have your athlete attend. We will be working on posters from the 2011/12 season up until this season. Please go through what you have catalogued in photos over the years and get them printed up so that we can have some pictures and share pictures/memories with each other for the evening, a few games and the annual awards are on the agenda for the evening. It will be from 5:30-7:00pm (but will start early as there's lots to do- so if you can be there by 5, all the better!)
Please bring: Photos, glue stick, scissors, markers and anything scrapbooky so that the posters can be done in a timely manner.
* If Canmore is cancelled and we are out of snow, then I will make changes to this date and our windup will be Thursday, March 26 and we will still have a very special practice on the Tuesday, the 24th. Stay tuned!
Tuesday: We will be on revolutions/rock skis- bring your own if you have some, as there are not enough pairs for the whole team. Skate skiing- we are still training with Canmore in mind- think hills. Bring your swimsuit- and camera as the first 20 minutes of practice will be all about the WAPITI SWIM SUIT EDITION 2015!!
Thursday: It's bring your friend day- if you have someone who is willing to try the sport out, bring them! We will suit them up with rentals, come early so that we can still get some skiing in. If you can't find some poor unsuspecting soul to join us, that's fine… you will have a workout to do none-the-less! Still skate!:)
Junior Race Team:
I'm not sure what to write! We don't have enough rock skis to share with everyone, and based on the weather report and the conditions of yesterday, I think the season is over. Now, I realize this isn't very clear, but the end of the season never really is… We are still planning to attend Canmore but will know more by next Sunday. I'm not willing to have the kids ruin their skis over one extra practice at this time and stage- so there will be no practice on Thursday.
However, Saturday is the Junior Race Team windup- which will be at the fire pit by the lodge and will be a potluck wiener roast. I will send out an email and everyone can sign up for an item or two that they will bring. Davis will need parental assistance in pulling this off so please stick around and lend a hand. Please bring snow pants, rain pants, extra clothes, a camera, roasting sticks if you have any and show up for 10:30-12!
Please Note: I will be conducting year end interviews with each of the junior members and parents on the team, in April and will set up a 1-1 interview with you. I also do this with the senior team members. Please start writing down notes of positives, areas of improvement, suggestions to make this better and anything else you can think of as it helps the interview process move along as well as it helps me provide the best program that I can. Thank you all for your participation and patience with this new process and I hope you enjoyed your ski season as much as we did!
In other news... Grande Prairie is quickly losing it's snow for those of you who may not have noticed. :D As things stand, I am still planning ahead for Canmore and will continue with the training plan as such. However, one significant change is the global mass panic that we may not get our swimsuit ski in before we are completely out of snow! AAAHHHHHH!!!! Read below!;)
Also, the team wind-up celebration will be held on Tuesday, March 31* (see asterisk below), at the lodge. Recognizing that there are a few people with other commitments on Tuesday, I'm asking that you make a concession for this last Tuesday of the season to have your athlete attend. We will be working on posters from the 2011/12 season up until this season. Please go through what you have catalogued in photos over the years and get them printed up so that we can have some pictures and share pictures/memories with each other for the evening, a few games and the annual awards are on the agenda for the evening. It will be from 5:30-7:00pm (but will start early as there's lots to do- so if you can be there by 5, all the better!)
Please bring: Photos, glue stick, scissors, markers and anything scrapbooky so that the posters can be done in a timely manner.
* If Canmore is cancelled and we are out of snow, then I will make changes to this date and our windup will be Thursday, March 26 and we will still have a very special practice on the Tuesday, the 24th. Stay tuned!
Tuesday: We will be on revolutions/rock skis- bring your own if you have some, as there are not enough pairs for the whole team. Skate skiing- we are still training with Canmore in mind- think hills. Bring your swimsuit- and camera as the first 20 minutes of practice will be all about the WAPITI SWIM SUIT EDITION 2015!!
Thursday: It's bring your friend day- if you have someone who is willing to try the sport out, bring them! We will suit them up with rentals, come early so that we can still get some skiing in. If you can't find some poor unsuspecting soul to join us, that's fine… you will have a workout to do none-the-less! Still skate!:)
Junior Race Team:
I'm not sure what to write! We don't have enough rock skis to share with everyone, and based on the weather report and the conditions of yesterday, I think the season is over. Now, I realize this isn't very clear, but the end of the season never really is… We are still planning to attend Canmore but will know more by next Sunday. I'm not willing to have the kids ruin their skis over one extra practice at this time and stage- so there will be no practice on Thursday.
However, Saturday is the Junior Race Team windup- which will be at the fire pit by the lodge and will be a potluck wiener roast. I will send out an email and everyone can sign up for an item or two that they will bring. Davis will need parental assistance in pulling this off so please stick around and lend a hand. Please bring snow pants, rain pants, extra clothes, a camera, roasting sticks if you have any and show up for 10:30-12!
Please Note: I will be conducting year end interviews with each of the junior members and parents on the team, in April and will set up a 1-1 interview with you. I also do this with the senior team members. Please start writing down notes of positives, areas of improvement, suggestions to make this better and anything else you can think of as it helps the interview process move along as well as it helps me provide the best program that I can. Thank you all for your participation and patience with this new process and I hope you enjoyed your ski season as much as we did!
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