September 21-27, 2015

Week 3; build week 2 which means more fun!! …for me anyway! (insert evil laugh here)…

Last week I had asked in the blog, for you athletes and your parents to accomplish a few things as not all of it was accomplished, I'm going to hold off on equipment sizing. I completely understand that it's a busy time for everyone- so this isn't a slight- it's just reality.

  • Athlete goals
  • Race attendance
  • Checks made out to WNSC and in to me by Tuesday, Sept 22.
  • Uniform sizing

*if you're not sure if you did any/all of this list- please just send me a quick email or talk to me after practice.

Tuesday: Meet at the lodge. Running gear, water bottle and ready to sweat.

Thursday: Meet at Muskoseepi- reminder- we're on build weeks, don't expect it to be easy. ;)

Saturday: CANCELLED- put over to SUNDAY- sign up for and run the Bezanson Bog!!

Sunday: 2-4pm Roller skiing at the correction line. Bring a snack and water bottle.

Junior Race Team

Thank you all who showed up for a sizing kit- unfortunately the size we needed wasn't there on Sunday- however it will be at Muskoseepi on Thursday- so please ensure that your athlete is sized and the price list will be emailed out to you before any decision needs to be made. Thank you for your patience!

Thursday- Muskoseepi Park- be prepared to run! Water bottles are a must with a holder.

Sunday- out at the lodge and same deal. 2-3:30 for now until there's snow.
