October 4- October 11, 2015.

It's rest week- which means we still work out, just not quite as hard. :)

Great job on the weekend training- lots of technique was discussed and trialled- now, every time that you're out on roller skis it's your responsibility to try and put together what we worked on- getting over on your one leg; using momentum to get yourself over and on top of each ski and using your (insert Australian accent) aaarrrmms!!!

1. Ski sizing will start on Tuesday ONLY. There will be more sizing next week.

Tuesday- meet at the lodge- bring your ski gear for sizing.

Thursday- meet at muskoseepi pavilion. We will be training with the junior team.

Weekend- THERE IS NO TRAINING- Happy Thanksgiving!!


Junior Race Team

There is training on Thursday only this week. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday- meet at Muskoseepi and the junior team will be training with the senior team as it's a rest week and time to play around a bit.

Please note: Ski sizing will occur next Sunday, October 18th at the ski lodge before and after practice.
