November 30 - December 6, 2015


Please pay attention to the details in this blog- they will come in handy for Canmore and for the prep to get ready for Canmore.

1. Please pay $64 to Claire for your hoodie if you haven't done so already. This is due by Tuesday this week or your order will be cancelled.

2. Please register! in the search section type in NORAM and it's the first thing that pops up. Registration closes on Wednesday.

Tuesday- be prepared to be out at the lodge until at least 8:30. Supper will be provided. Skis (both classic and skate) will need to have Rex Blue waxed on both. Training can be done on ski club skis- skate technique. The lodge is now officially open, so if you can show up earlier to get skis done, please do so.

Training will be a bit backwards. Please be at the lodge on time for practice- I will start with race info and expectations. I will also go over the Arctic Winter Games selection criteria with athletes and parents if they are able to attend- this will also be emailed out to all athletes/coaches/parents to pass on to everyone as well as posted on the CCA website. We will then have a short practice as usual and supper will be eaten around 7:30. I have an AWG meeting to attend with Jim at 7pm, so will do as much as possible before heading out. I will come back and collect gear after my meeting is over- I'm guessing after 9pm.

Please ensure that the skis are in the right bag and that poles are packed in their right places as well. Please load Jim's Thule as much as possible with gear, I'll hopefully be able to travel with the rest in my box. If your vehicle has room in it please let us know before 7pm on Tuesday.

Thursday- travel to Canmore

Friday- meet at the main lodge in Canmore for 1:00pm. Please ensure that you have eaten and are geared up. We will be skating the race course and practicing all the quirks and difficult spots. I would like to discuss each category's race course and plan of attack for the races. If you've skied your course 2-3 times, I then highly recommend doing your Sunday course as well if it's different. Maps will be out at the site. Keep training to a zone 1 level= very easy… Plan to be at the ski site for 3+ hours and are free to go once you've cleared it with your athlete and myself- this way I can ensure that your athlete is prepared for their race the following day.

*Please note: if you are trying out for Arctic Winter Games- please go into the ski shop by the lodge in Canmore and try on a CRAFT ski jacket and text me what size fits you the best. We were unable to secure a sizing kit and so this is my solution to you all receiving jackets that will fit you when you qualify, the order will be confirmed when the team is chosen. Parents, please go with your athlete and confirm their sizing choices. Jackets will be about $50-$75 cost to each athlete and is a mandatory part of the uniform for Greenland. Again, please text me this information: 780-933-0853. 

Saturday- Race times will be given out the evening before. Please show 2 hours before your race start time. Team supper will be eaten together- a booking will be made for this. It will be posted and texted out to everyone at a later date. This is one of the criteria of the team- team meals on Saturday are mandatory.

Sunday- Race times will be given out the evening before. Please show 1.5 hours before your race start.  Please wait until all of the gear has been loaded and packed before departing, we need to ensure that all the gear is loaded. Jim will be in charge of this.


Junior Race Team

It's going to be a quieter week this week for the junior team BUT there is still practice. 4 members of the junior team will be away racing in Canmore this week which allows you guys to focus on your own technique and practice. Have a great week! The lodge is also officially open now and will be open for you to come early to get skis waxed and prepped.

Thursday- 5:45-6:45 on snow. We will need a parent volunteer for this practice please. Make sure headlamps have fresh batteries in them and that your athlete has their water bottle filled and ready. Classic technique.

Sunday- 2-4pm. Skate technique. Water bottles and snacks are mandatory. We will also need a parent for this practice- there wasn't a sign up put in place. My apologies.
