December 14-20, 2015.

Christmas is coming and so is the snow tonight!! LET IT SNOW AND LET IT STAY!!! :D

1. The races this weekend in Strathcona have been postponed (new date tbd). All training times are a go for this weekend.

2. Pay attention to the blog- as now we have time for our Christmas parties, dates have changed.

3. If you weren't at the 6pac today, then you missed me getting in trouble by the WNSC. Although we are an important user of the club we aren't the only users and today we forgot about that. When we borrow skis we are to only borrow the revolutions IF you don't have rock skis. We may be faced with fees to borrowing these skis as well- this is to be determined in the future. Today, I pleaded for forgiveness and apologized profusely, next time we won't be so lucky- LET IT SNOW!!!!!

4. Christmas holiday dates: Dec 22, 27, 29 & 31 we will have practice. IF Edmonton doesn't pick their race for the Jan 2/3 weekend, we will continue to host the ABWG trials here in GP on both 2&3 (Midget: born in 2002 and 2003 Juvenile: born in 2000 and 2001); with the 3rd being a 6 pac race as well. Dec 27 is our tentative sleepover in the lodge date (details to come when we have approval of the WNSC committee).

Tuesday- We will be skating unless the snow accumulates to something substantial- then we will be classic skiing. The weather network says we will be skating. :S

Thursday- It's party time!!! Bring an appetizer for the team and a $10 gift if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange. IF you have an ugly christmas sweater… may as well charm up the place a bit and wear it- PLEASE DON'T PURCHASE ONE FOR THIS EVENING! We won't be skiing.

Saturday- Let's try classic again… 10-12 on snow.

Sunday- I'm out with the juniors- so if you want an extra workout (and you should…) come on out and I'll hook you up with a doozie!


Junior Race Team

Excellent practice today crew, I had a bunch of fun with you all and am really impressed with how well you guys went up and down those hills!!! Mika informed me that I worked you really hard… well done!:D

Please note: Christmas holiday dates: Dec 27 & 31 we will have practice. IF Edmonton doesn't pick their race for the Jan 2/3 weekend, we will continue to host the ABWG trials here (for mini-midget aged athletes- Mini Midget: born in 2004 and 2005) in GP on both 2&3; with the 3rd being a 6 pac race as well.

Thursday- Will be a regular practice and more classic is needed for right now- remember no skating when we're skiing classic, especially without a track. Coach Davis is going to be so surprised at how well you guys are doing!!

Sunday- There will be a 1 hour skate ski session followed by the Christmas party for the Juniors. The party will be held upstairs in the timing tower. It's potluck snacks and goodies (nut free and if you can gluten and dairy-free too please) AND a $5 Chinese gift exchange. Bring on the party!!! :D
