December 28 - January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!!! Thanks for a great sleepover team!!


For those athletes who tried out for Arctic Winter Games- you will know if you have been chosen to the team this week.

For those athletes trying out for the Alberta Winter Games team- tryouts are this weekend- details below.

Tuesday- tomorrow… we will be classic skiing. I have to work and so practice time will be the same as usual. Athletes Midget- Juvenile, please be prepared to leave your racing skis at the lodge. Your skis will all be waxed equally to avoid inequality with the skis. The CCA Alberta Cup waxing protocol will be put in place for ALL age categories (meaning low fluoro waxes are only permitted)

Thursday- There is no formal practice. Waxing this afternoon will take place for the skis over the weekend- if parents you are free and able, please come and join the waxathon! :D

Alberta Winter Games: Qualifying Criteria- please review with a parent to ensure you understand:
Mini-Midget: Midget: Juvenile:
11 - 12 years of age - born in 2004 or 2005 (2 males, 2 females) 13 - 14 years of age - born in 2002 or 2003 (3 males, 3 females) 15 - 16 years of age - born in 2000 or 2001 (3 males, 3 females)
The maximum team size shall be:
16 competitors per zone (# of females 8 # of males 8)

3 coaches or chaperones per zone (# of females min. 1 # of males min. 1)
In the case a zone has less then 10 competitors the zone will be allocated a maximum of 2 coaches / chaperones.
Any additional coaching spots, up to a maximum or 24 as per the Alberta Sport Connection quota for the Alberta Winter Games, will be given to zones with the largest number of competitors after the fill policy is completed.
Cross Country Alberta in conjunction with the Zone Coordinators and the CCA Director of Athlete De- velopment will regulate fills.
Each Zone will forward their official Zone qualifier results to the CCA office by
Friday January 8, 2016. The results must clearly indicate which athletes meet eligibility requirements. The list of qualifying athletes will be broken down by category including age group and gender. The list will also include the additional athletes who desire to attend the games, known as fills. The ranking list will also indicate the ranking order of any additional athlete, known as files. This is especially important for zone qualifi- ers that are open to athletes from other zones (such as using an AB Cup for a zone qualifier).
Deadline date to submit zone qualifier results and ranking of the additional athletes is by January 8, 2016 to the CCA office.
Fill spots will be distributed according to the following steps:
1) Automatic qualifier: Each zone of the 8 zones is allocated the following number of athletes:
Mini midgets: 2 males, 2 females
Midgets: 3 males, 3 females
Juveniles: 3 males, 3 females
Athletes and Fill Athletes will compete in their own category, (age and gender), for their respective Zone.
B. A Zone may have more than the standard of competitors for a category, (eg. more than 2 competi- tors for mini midget females) only if other Zones have fewer than the allocated numbers for the same category.
A Zone may have more than the allocated 3/3/2 (juvenile/Midget/Mini-Midget) athletes by gender within a Category if other Zones are not able to fill their compliment.There are a maximum 128 athletes, with 64 male and 64 female athletes competing if all categories are filled.
2) Fills: Each unclaimed spot for each category will be allocated to other zones based on participa- tion numbers at each zone qualifier.
Respective Fill Percentages will be calculated and allocated to each zones (rounded down).
After the initial fills procedure of the rounding down exercise is completed and fill positions are still vacant, the remaining fill positions will be drawn by the way of a double random draw proce- dure to allocated the next available athlete(s) in that (those) zone(s) 

Saturday- For athletes trying out ONLY: Race start time is 10am. Please follow your race plan that you would typically have for a classic race- 2 hours before start time and we will have skis ready for you.

  • Classic Mass Start Race. Registration will close at 8:30am (yes, you need to register and although there is no fee to race, if you qualify to be on the team, checks will need to be made out to CCA for $60/athlete and collected with the forms once the team has been selected). Bibs will be handed out ~10-15min before the race start. Ensure that you have a good warmup and that you are focussed for this!! 
  • Mini-midgets (Liam, Caitlyn & Francois) will be racing 2.5km (1 loop of the regular race that we've done this winter)
  • Midgets will be racing 3.25km (1 loop of the regular race that we've done this winter + lap for an extra loop of claw ridge into the stadium to finish)
  • Juveniles will be racing 5.0km (2 loops of the regular race that we've done this winter)

*for those athletes not trying out or ineligible, it is strongly recommended that you come out and cheer on the athletes trying out and then going out for a ski with the team afterwards. I will be unable to join- but just skiing is better than doing nothing!;)

Sunday- This is a 6 pac race + Part 2 of ABWG Trials. This will be a skate race (same course and distances as the previous day) and individual starts. Race start time is 2:00pm. Registration will close at 1:30 (as this is a 6pac race) but if you're trying out for ABWG it is strongly recommended to treat this like an Alberta Cup and come 1.5 hours prior to race start to prepare. There will also be a 7.5km course option for those racing the 6pac. If you'd like to count your race as a 6pac race PLUS ABWG tryouts- this is fine- please pay your usual $5 race entry fee.

*ABWG team will be chosen the following week and you will be contacted directly by Claire or Jim.

Junior Race Team

Thursday- No practice

Saturday (for Liam, Caitlynn & Francois)- IF you would like to tryout to be on the ABWG team (see Race Team manual to understand the games experience) please see the information above for the Senior Team which includes leaving your skis at the lodge on Tuesday so that skis can be waxed- please call Claire for info. The details are VERY important for BOTH days of racing.

Sunday- For everyone. There is a 6pac race (skate) followed by practice. Please show up prior to 1:30 to be registered and prepared to race. The Juniors (minus those trying out for the ABWG team) can choose between their usual distance 2.5km and 1km loops. Practice will end at 3:30 as it's a long day for the kids. If you don't want to race, please show up by 1:30 anyhow so that we can get you to help out with the course. Juniors please remember your snacks and thank you for working with me this past week- 12 km we skied!! I'm so proud of you all!! Happy New Year!
