February 8-14, 2016.
Great training
week, team- It’s sort of a taper week for some of you, however for some of you
it isn’t and maybe not for the rest of you… I’m not really sure. Bear with me
on this as we wait out CCA’s/AbWG Committee decision to have a skiing race or
running race in Medicine Hat for Alberta Winter Games.
Tuesday- Skate.
Practice will be from 5:45-6:25 for AbWG athletes and then Team and Parent
meeting with Jim, Jake and Mallory from 6:30-7:15. For those of you not
attending AbWG- more intervals for you (doesn't that sound like fun?! :D
*to be discussed at the meeting- IF
AbWG turns into a running race (to be determined Feb 8 I believe), those in the
juvenile category, I strongly recommend thinking about attending Westerns
instead, as the skiing will help you towards Arctic’s and the experience will
be similar to what we’re going to experience in Greenland. As we have had only 2
ski races this season- it’s a tough call and I will respect any decision you
make. AbWG is a unique experience and a great one for the athletes to enjoy- I
do need to keep in mind that Arctic’s is our main event this season and we’re
coming up short on preparatory events. The coaches for AbWG have made it very
clear that they are willing to still attend AbWG and if our numbers go below
10, Jake will be available to attend Western’s instead… I will be attending
Western’s if the count is more than the current 5 athletes that we have
Thursday- Skate, unless for some wonderful reason the predicted
snow (flurries), turns into masses amount of snow… we’re going to be skating
for a bit. Those attending AbWG you will be going to ski for 25min you will be
waxing all of your skis with Rex Blue and then packing them up in the team
bags- if it’s a skiing race and not a running race. The rest of you- we have regular
Saturday- I encourage everyone to go for a long, 2 hour ski.
There will be no official practice today- I won’t be here.
Junior Team:
Thursday: Skate practice. It will the ONLY
practice this week. Happy Family Day Weekend- enjoy it playing outside while we
still have snow!!! L
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