March 21- March 27, 2016.

Although it feels like it, the season isn't over yet. IF you're not planning on attending the final weekend of racing in Canmore- I still hope you can come out and train with the team… it's just not the same without you. :D

Team wind up is set for April 7 (this will also be pick up skis from Canmore as there will be no training on the 5th of April). Times etc to be determined- it will be potluck and the team has decided it would like a scavenger hunt- any ideas, send them my way! I'm also looking for two nerf guns with ammo to borrow for this event- let me know via email!

Canmore- there are a few people that I haven't heard from yet- please email or text me if you haven't done so. There are a few orphans that will require room and perhaps travel… if you have room, please also let me know!

Saturday practice was a surprise to most… let me be clear… we are still training for the alberta championships in Canmore… don't be surprised to be working hard at practice still! Hint hint…

Tuesday: Skate practice (we will use revolutions or your rock skis).

Thursday: Bring a friend to practice! If they've never tried the sport- no problem! You'll teach them. :D 

Saturday: There will be no formal practice this day as it's Easter BUT you are strongly encouraged to get out for a ski (the north trails will still be skiable- I hope) and do a minimum of 1.5 hours of skiing. I suggest showing up and skiing before 11:00am as the snow is transforming by then. 
