March 28- April 7, 2016.

Last post of the season… I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. For some of you, you won't read this until you're back from your various vacations… hope you had fun! Others- it's your nose to the grind!! :P Just kidding!!!

Tuesday- Skate- rock skis. Officially- this will be our last ski practice of the season. I will try to get out to the lodge early- but early for me now-a-days is 5:15… I'd like skis that are going to Canmore (race skis still) to be waxed with Rex Blue and scraped please. IF you haven't skied on your skis since Greenland- then they're Rex Blue waxed and only require scraping- this information will be handy for me prior to getting out on snow.

Canmore- I will be leaving GP on Wednesday evening around 5pm from the Davis' house. If you're catching a ride with me, please meet me there (Zach, I can pick you up on my way to picking up Mika around 4:30). I strongly suggest registering for the banquet dinner as it will mean one less meal for us to navigate. Once in Canmore- please meet me at the main lodge for 12 noon on Thursday, March 31. We will set up to wax and you can go ski on your rex blue skis to navigate your course. Team supper will be at the banquet. As there are so few of us (13 athletes I believe) maybe we can orchestrate a team supper otherwise- I will need a parent to take the lead on this one please.

There will be no practices otherwise but if there's snow by the end of this week… feel free to go out!;)

Thursday- April 7

Team Wind up party! It's a potluck and will start at 5:30 at the lodge. Bring rubber boots (I'm assuming here that there will be no new snow), extra socks, a jacket, a water bottle and a small backpack. And any ninja skills you can conjure up! See you all there!
