February 13-20, 2017


It's already Valentine's Day, Family Day long weekend and there's only 6 weeks left of training!!! WHERE IS THE TIME GOING?!!


A big shout out to Teddy for writing the blog for me last week and adding in some of her own edits… :/  It was easier to drive and keep her quiet awake this way! ;D

Nationals- please check your emails (Juvenile and Older) regarding this- it's important to make a decision ASAP to accommodate the best experience for everyone please.

Please email Claire if you're planning on attending the AB Cup races in Canmore! March 4/5. 

Tuesday: Be prepared for a hard workout. Our bodies have had a rest week (minus some racing this past weekend) and so it's time to prepare for our last races in Canmore. Having said that- it's supposed to rain tomorrow and not freeze overnight… I will send out a text regarding any changes (i.e.: trails are closed etc) IF there are any changes, we will meet at the Eastlink on the track. If you haven't heard from me via text by 4:30pm Tuesday- we will meet for a skating session.

Thursday: Again- skating due to a deterioration in nature's terrible attempt at winter… or meeting at the Eastlink… if there's no text by 4:30pm on Thursday, we will be skiing.

Saturday: I'm guessing skate still… meet in the timing tower with your gear unless you hear from me otherwise.

Sunday: 6pac race if the snow has survived. Temps are supposed to be colder. It will be a skate race and I'm not sure of the distance portion- only because of the potential catastrophic environmental disaster that may occur this week to our trails! :( Registration closes at 1:30- $5/racer. I will not be here for this race- but it's still a go, regardless- warm-up and cool downs are expected and fun MUST be had by all!! :D


Junior Team:

Thursday: we will be skating due to a deterioration in nature's terrible attempt at winter… or meeting at the Eastlink… if there's no text by 4:30pm on Thursday, we will be skiing.

Practice is full out cancelled this weekend. I'm sorry!
Sunday: 6pac race if the snow has survived. Temps are supposed to be colder. It will be a skate race and I'm not sure of the distance portion- only because of the potential catastrophic environmental disaster that may occur this week to our trails! :( Registration closes at 1:30- $5/racer. I will not be here for this race- but it's still a go, regardless- warm-up and cool downs are expected and fun MUST be had by all!! :D BOTH COACH CAROLINE AND COACH CLAIRE WILL BE AWAY AND THEREFORE THERE WILL BE NO PRACTICE FOR THE JUNIORS AFTERWARDS. COACH JIM WILL BE AVAILABLE TO HELP WITH WARMUPS AND COOL DOWNS. 
