March 13-19, 2017


Thank you everyone for your support and letters to nominate me for Coach of the Year. Award or no award, it is an honour to be a coach everyday. I love it and you guys- so thank you for your support in turn!

Great job on the team relay today!!! Thank you ALL for permitting me to teach the junior team about poor sportsmanship- it was a good lesson and they were all shocked that they could learn from my bad behaviour today!! I'll recap at practice on Tuesday for the rest of you! :D Great day of laughing and glamour!! See Wapiti Nordic FB Page for pics! Thank you Lori for posting those.

This month is flying by and there's still some house-keeping stuff to do… so pay attention to the blog!!!

  • Next week or the week following we will be doing the annual swimsuit edition- (although Fernandois pulled it off well today!!:) ) and the annual bring a friend to skiing (March 23). Bring a friend will be on a Thursday and swimsuit will be weather permitting- dates will be posted for this!!!
  • Year end party is set for April 7, 2017. It's a sleepover- more to come at a later date.
  • Team bonding day- March 19 after practice. We will be having a potluck lunch (I'll be bringing a large pot of Annie's noodles) veggies, drinks, snacks would be welcome. Glue, scissors, glitter, stickers, anything else crafty is welcome to bring to this- it's "make new posters and play games afternoon". If you can come and stay, great, leave early is fine, show for a bit- super awesome. Come out and participate. BRING PICTURES OF THE PAST 3 SEASONS!
  • Team photo day! Thursday 16th- wear your wapiti jacket. If you don't have one, wear a race suit top. 5:45 in the stadium.
  • Downhill Dash- this Sunday- the last of the 6PAC race series for this season! 

Tuesday- Classic. It may be our last one for a long time. :(

Thursday- Skate. PHOTO DAY!!! See notes above. We will practice the downhill dash course!!! :D

Saturday- Cancelled

Sunday-  12:00- potluck and posters. Posters to be finished after race. See note above. 
Downhill Dash- 2PM start at the top of Big Dipper (so show earlier than normal). Registration is 1-1:30 in the lodge- $5/racer. Hand timers will need to be used… I've asked Grant/Crawford to work on setting that course and will need help with a few v-boards to ensure no one gets lost on their dash!

Junior Team

Thursday- Team photo- please wear your Wapiti Coat or Wapiti Race Top and be on snow for 5:45. Skate Practice.

Sunday- 6 PAC race- Downhill Dash! 2PM start at the top of Big Dipper (so show earlier than normal). Registration is 1-1:30 in the lodge- $5/racer. Please wear your skate skis and practice will follow, just like today! Please have your athletes come wearing sunscreen if they're prone to sunburns. It's that time of year!! 

Year End Wind-up party. I was thinking of a hotdog roast at the lodge on Sunday, March 26th. A bit of a scavenger hunt, a few games… from 12-3? Does this work for most people? Please email me: to confirm or decline if this date/time works for most ASAP. Thank you everyone!!
