November 20-26, 2017

It’s Snow-maggedon outside!!! And Crawford has done an amazing job with the trails!! Woohoo!!!

REMINDER: Claire will be away from Dec 8-19 inclusive. IF you need anything between now and then, please email or text me this week and I will be in touch. This coming weekend is my last available weekend until Christmas! The blog will be written and updated while I’m away.

IMPORTANT: Please email Claire To let her know your intentions of racing in Canmore Dec 1&2 AND racing in Edmonton Dec 16&17. I need to know my numbers ASAP to plan appropriately. OR go to the TeamSnap page and under tasks- highlight yes or no to your names please before next weekend.

Team dinners on packing night: yes or no? Email Claire please your thoughts regarding this.

I am available to help with teaching waxing THIS Saturday before or after practice- email Claire If you would like assistance and we can plan for this.  

Everyone: please note that practice has been delayed every night since snow has arrived- please come to practice early to prep your skis and be on snow on time. If you are waxing your skis before practice give yourself enough time to be on snow. If you’re planning on arriving and just getting on your skis, it still takes about 10 min to get dressed and ready... be on time please.

Tuesday: Classic skiing. Dress warmly and be prepared to be away from the lodge. Don’t forget water bottles and holders.

Thursday: Skate skiing.

Saturday: Classic skiing 10-12. Long distance ski.

Sunday: First 6PAC race. Skate Race- Registration closes at1:30. Race start at 2pm. Think about your race plan and plan accordingly please. You are in charge of waxing your own skis. If you would like help text Claire (933-0853) and let me know and I will make plans to help you out.