November 6-12, 2017

Mallory said although it was -19oC, you guys still rocked the workout! Well done everyone! There's lots of snow around the province and Kananaskis has track set their trails!!! It's coming soon to Grande Prairie, but not soon enough…


Teamsnap will also be up and running and I will do my best to keep this up-to-date as well beginning next week. 

NOTE: With the time change, practice USUALLY changes. As the lodge isn't open yet- and we're on skis that don't require waxing, let's keep the time the same for this week. Someone has run a skidoo around biathlon and although it's not fantastic, it's ski-able. IF you have rock skis, please bring them as we don't have enough pairs for everyone. There are a few new kids to the team who definitely don't have them and I'm hoping that everyone has SNS boots (preferably older boots, but not necessary) to fit the skis.

Tuesday: 5-6:30pm at Biathlon- upper parking lot. I'll have the skis up there. Dress appropriately for the weather please. A lot of this practice will be just getting used to skis on our feet again which usually means people get cold as it's not a hard workout- those will come, I promise!!!:D

Thursday: 5-6:30pm at Biathlon. Same idea as Tuesday -skate skiing again. Bring a headlamp.


Saturday: We will NOT be going to Hinton and will be at the lodge from 10-12 for a skate ski practice. Be prepared to ski a lot of laps- at least now I will be able to see you!! :D Bring snacks and water bottles.