February 26-March 5, 2018.

YIKES!! 1 Month left of this season! Time is flying by and you are all racing and doing SO well! A huge congratulations to all the athletes who competed in the cookie race and final AB Cup race this past weekend- we have provincial leaders on our team and racers full of cookies!! I'm really proud of you all for this season and want to thank you all for bearing with my world coaching experiences this season- I've learned a lot!

That being said… we have 3 weeks to get ready for our biggest races of the season!! I say, BRING IT ON!!! :D

Tuesday: Skate- working on speed and turnover and cornering quickly.

Thursday: Classic- working on speed and turnover and cornering quickly (yes, I just copy and pasted that, but it's equally difficult and in need of work).

Saturday: LOPPET- see website for details. Whatever distance you choose, show up for the right time. You wax your own skis and I'll see you out on the trails. Registration is on Zone 4 Sveins… Loppet so register and eat more cookies! I recommend if you're feeling healthy to aim for a 10km+ ski,  If you're not healthy, go for a 6km ski or 10km zone 1 ski AND nothing more than 20km for those going to Arctic's. If you have any questions, please just call, email or text me. I will also send out an email regarding the cookie race- this is available to the race team if you'd like to participate in this fun mini loppet event.