September 3- September 9, 2018

It's official!! The team has started! I'm excited about this year and even the Farmer's Almanac is on our side- "it's going to be an early winter"... keep your fingers crossed!! :D


  1. Please attend the mandatory team meeting September 11th at 5:00pm at Muskoseepi Pavilion
  2. Please send a $200/athlete deposit with your athlete(s)- cash or check made out to WNSC
  3. Please ensure you're on the Teamsnap App- email if you're not
  4. Please prepare for the team- ski equipment and clothing swap on September 25th
  5. Please consider registering your athlete for the Don't Get Lost in the Woods Race on Sept 16th and consider volunteering for this event if you're in Grande Prairie that day (more info to come). 


Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi pavilion. 5:00-6:30pm.

  1. Please don't forget your 3 goals for the season (on a piece of paper or emailed/texted to me). 50 burpies if you don't have them!
  2. Bring water bottle holder and water.
  3. Wear appropriate runners for working out in.

Thursday: Meet at the XC Lodge.  Muskoseepi Pavilion 5:00-6:30pm
  1. Bring water bottle holder and water.
  2. Wear appropriate runners for working out in.
  3. Put on mosquito spray!!!!
Saturday: Meet on the Correction Line at the parking lot adjacent to the dump road. 10:00am -12:00
  1. Bring water bottle holder and water.
  2. Wear appropriate runners for working out in.
  3. Bring a helmet and gloves.
  4. Bring poles.
  5. Bring roller blades or a bike if you've never been on roller skis before with padding.
  6. Wear mosquito spray.
  7. Wear bright clothing.
