November 19-25, 2018.

It's race week!! And with that there's some details to be ironed out! Please pay attention to every day and the details!

  • Our Fellow Biathletes are hosting a provincial race here in Grande Prairie on January 12 & 13. Training will be held in the afternoon around 2:30/3:00pm on the 12th of January, so that we're not in the way of all the athletes that will be here racing. Please note- they are in need of volunteers (athletes and parents) and as per history, we, the race team show up in our uniforms, dressed VERY warmly and volunteer. Please email: ASAP to when you're available and put in the email that you're a part of the WNRaceTeam. I'm not sure the exact times as of yet- but I'm guessing around 9-2pm (at the max). Which will give you time to prep your skis for our 2:30/3pm training time. More details to come- please email to confirm when you're available. Thank you!!
  • Minutes from parent meetings can be found on Teamsnap App under media and files, along with the manual for this season, hotel information for races and any other pertinent information. 
  • Volunteering- emails from Liz Tinworth, are for volunteering. If you're able to volunteer, please do so and sign up using the links in her emails.
  • Those attending Canmore- details will be posted on Teamsnap- this seems to be the best forum for on the road use. Please meet on Friday, Nov 23 at 1:00pm in the main lodge. I will be messaging from the app for any changes and notifications. If you're the first to arrive- please secure a table for our team!

Tuesday: Is packing up day and skiing day.

  • Those of you not attending Canmore, will be going for a ski for the evening- as we're in the thaw for this week- we are sometimes asked to not ski if it's really mushy out. In town snow is often not a good indicator of what's happening out at the lodge. Please come prepared for both techniques- but I'm guessing a slushy classic ski. I'll be in touch with Crawford (our fabulous trails groomer) in the morning to see what he says and if there's any major change in conditions I will notify everyone by teamsnap. 
  • Those of you going to Canmore will be waxing your skis and prepping them. The ski lodge is supposed to be open now (if it isn't, between Shannon and I, we will be out at the lodge for 5:15ish) so you can start waxing your skis with rex blue (Shannon knows where the wax is). Please start with your classic skis and clean off the grip wax. We will be on snow with skate skis, for 5:45 - 6:25 for some sprints- please warm up and be ready for 6:05. 
  • For everyone: Team Supper will be at 7:20. Please join us for a group meal (see the email sent out by Mary-Ann Lynch to sign up to help with the meal) as per the race team tradition of eating together and getting ready for the races/road trip. 

Thursday: Cancelled

Saturday: For those of you staying in Grande Prairie- come out with your skate skis and waterbottle and holder. Coach Theresa and Coach Pinkie will be on snow and ready to take you for a distance ski on skate skis. I look forward to hearing about this adventure!

Happy Trails and put on the snow dance guys!! We need winter and snow to come back. :D
