December 10-16, 2018.
Wow! Time is flying and we have so much work to do!! Fortunately, the weather is going to cooperate with me this week and we can get some serious work done! :D
*There is some important info below- please take note of it all.*
- The Ski Club has informed me that not many members of our team have their memberships. This is MANDATORY and needs to be accomplished ASAP- go to; click on about; click on memberships and follow the link from there.
- Volunteering- Just a reminder that you should be signed up for the Biathlon race weekend that the ski club is hosting- for a shift or two. This is a team event, not for fundraising. Training times will vary because of this race. Email: and let her know you're available. See Nov 19-25 blog for details- it's in the archived section found on the top right tab.
- Christmas Party! It's the main event of the year... well, one of many- BUT one not to be missed!! Thursday, December 20th, after a short ski.
- Dress in an ugly sweater or at least vaguely Christmassy... even if you wear your ski toque... at least it's wintry.
- Bring some home baked goodies- whatever you bring label if it's got peanuts or gluten or dairy in it. All my stuff has sugar in it! :D
- If you can, bring a Chinese gift exchange item of a max value of $10.
- Bring on the holiday spirit and expect to be picked up for 7:45/8.
- Western's vs. Birkenbeiner: I would like an email: stating which event you will be attending please. They run the same weekend and I'd like to know which way people are planning on going. It will make sense that I'm where the masses are and not skiing all by myself somewhere else. I need to plan this now and need responses as you read this. The Birkie (a fun, very large skiing event that anyone, yes, even Development Team, including me, can do)- is in Edmonton, Western Canadian Championships are in Kelowna this year. If I don't hear from you, I will assume that you aren't attending either and I will not be chasing anyone down for responses. Responses to Claire by December 15th please.
Tuesday: Classic- on snow and ready to go for 5:45. Bring a water bottle and holder and a headlamp.
Thursday: Classic- on snow and ready to go for 5:45. Bring a water bottle and holder and a headlamp.
Saturday: Skate- on snow for 10am. Please be ready to be away from the lodge for the full two hours.
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