January 21-27, 2019

Holy smokes what an amazing weekend of racing for our team!! I'm so proud of each and every one of you athletes, coaches and parents. Everyone was a big help in getting athletes to and from the start lines on time, warmed up, and focused on racing. Super proud of all the athletes for accomplishing your goals, focusing during your races and racing so well! What a fluid, low stress weekend. Thank you everyone!

Things to start planning for this week. Those of you who will be attending the Birkebeiner in Edmonton, please register (see last week's blog for links) and plan for your hotel. I will be attending the group supper that they offer on Saturday evening, so please feel free to join! The more the merrier! I encourage those who are going out and not racing in Drayton Valley to register for the 31km all others should register for the 13km. I will be out on course, skiing, so parents please don't feel like you have to ski the event (as per the registration requirements) but you are very welcome too.

Those who are planning on attending the Drayton Valley race. Please look on the Teamsnap App for the details regarding the hotel under files. Also, the races will go until about 4 or 5pm (maybe later) on Sunday, as they are running 2 races on Sunday and Monday is the long weekend. So plan accordingly as per your family needs regarding travel. My goal will be to arrive and be on snow with the team for 1:30 on Friday so that the athletes can ski their courses and know where they're going. 

Tuesday: Recovery ski. We are back to week 1 on our build cycles for this week. And we will be doing some skate work. Make sure you have your headlamp on please. Water bottle as well. 

Thursday: Classic Thursday! Bring a headlamp and water bottle. 

Saturday: Skate or swimming... The weather is saying +6o!:( Maybe it will be good in the morning for us. 

Sunday: Wapiti Fun Challenge #2: 
Fun Club Races
The next Wapiti Challenge race is Sunday January 27
Registrations 12:30 – 1:30
Entry Fee:  $5 (exact change please)
      Free: Jackrabbits & Biathlon Bears
Race Start:  2:00 pm
Mass Start (by category) Free Technique
Distances: 1 km, 2.5 km, 5 km, 7.5 km
1 km:  Candy Cane Lane
2.5 km:  Hills! Up & Down! Big Dipper! Sun Dog! Claw Ridge! & More! (laps too)
Recreation courses available, please ask the Chief of Competition about this option.  Chief of Competition:  North
This fun event is open to everybody.
Give the race team someone to pass, or chase?
