March 4- 10, 2019.

What a great week of technique this past week and indoor training- I hope you guys are sore!!! :D

This is an exciting week with a quick trip to Ft. St. John on Saturday! The teams are in and everyone who indicated that they would be interested in racing the relays are registered! Registration closes on the 6th, so if there's any late entries, please let me know.

*There are a few athletes who still owe Claire $10. Please pay this week.

Teams: See if you can figure out who's on which team... Team 2 may change... pending on a few late entries.

  1. Wapiti Dr. Huggy- Shortstop (Ethan)
  2. Wapiti Mini (Lena) Stinky Corvettes
  3. Wapiti Captain Munchy Wolverines
  4. Wapiti Cheezy Dancing Davo (David)
  5. Wapiti Tiny (Heidi) Mighty One-skis
  6. Wapiti Sparkly Sony Ladybugs
  7. Wapiti Wellington Arrow Geese

John: Seamus, Aidan, Corwin and Will
Claire: Lara, Ella, Miriam, Mika, Shannon, Caroline
Martins: Ethan, Sara, Troy and Colson
Fehrs: Signey, Nigel are going as a family
Hutchinson: Going as a family
Redmonds: Going as a family
Brandi: Lena and Heidi

*The only people I don't know about rides are the Redmonds and the Udey's. Please confirm with Claire if this is taken care of?? Or if we need room in vehicles. 


Tuesday: Skate practice- it's warm enough to do intervals so we're going to be doing some. Bring water!! :D

Thursday: Skate practice- relay team exchanges, race team costumes and waxing- Wax to be determined on the actual day, when I've had a few days notice of what the weather is doing. No team supper but hopefully skis can be waxed quickly and thrown into Claire's box and home at a decent time.

UPDATED: March 8th

New Race Notice (click on blue writing) - updated March 8th.

Saturday: I'd like to meet in the Walmart Parking Lot for all vehicles who are car pooling by 8:45am. We will be having lunch in Ft. St. John, unless you pre pack your lunch- which is very organized and healthy to do! ;) We will leave Ft. St. John with vehicles gassed and loaded for Beatton Provincial Park no later than 12:00 and start warming up upon arrival. Those driving- there's only 1 road into the park and the trails and hut will be somewhere on that road. If I remember correctly- cell service is close to non-existent in there- so please be prepared for that. 

Coaches will collect & distribute bibs and race start is 2:00. Please bring warm clothing and minimal bags if traveling with Claire. I can take people but not a lot of gear. :D Bring snacks with you for the day to munch on and share and please, if you're carpooling pay your driver $20 for gas and to help with the mileage on their vehicle. 
