Spring Team Training Times!
Spring training dates:
I cannot find a consistent time or day of the week in my own personal schedule for the next bit: so I understand if some days you can attend and some days you cannot. There are no fees for these sessions- it’s just to get the kids out and talking and doing more training if they can fit it in.
April 20: 10-11am- Muskoseepi Pavilion bring runners and water bottle
April 28: 11-12:30- Correction line parking lot- not roller skiing yet.
May 18: 10-11am- Muskoseepi Pavilion
May 25: 10-12pm- Correction Line parking lot- roller skiing (unless it's raining, then we run)
- wear bright coloured clothing, bring ski boots, helmets and tallest ski poles that you have, water bottle in a holder and if you don't have boots with SNS bindings- then bring roller blades.
June 1 and 8: 10-12pm- Correction Line parking lot- roller skiing
June 15th: 11-12pm- Muskoseepi Park- running and water bottles
June 22: Parents needed please: day hike in Tumbler Ridge. Details to come in the coming month or so as we see how the snow melt is going.
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